Info and forum posts by 'newlogin'

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Joined on: Monday, 15th December 2003, 14:21, Last used: Thursday, 17th February 2005, 14:25

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This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Gamecube stuff being given away in dixons/currys etc

Ages ago i think the dixons chain decided not to do gamecubes and their stuff any more. I just wandered into a local currys and saw a genuine nintendo controller and also a couple of joysticks for the gamecube, surprised to see them there, no price on the shelf, only from the 24 quid sticker on the joystick box. So i took them up to the till to get them scanned...... and all three items scanned at 97p each! grabbed them all and ran! That`s the wee boy happy then. I doubt most stores will have anything, these guys said they had found the stuff in their storeroom and put it all out with the autumn sale stuff. they also said that they wished they had known what it would scan at, cos it wouldn`t have been on the shelves if they had known!.......... anyway, if you see anything, just get it scanned, could be a lucky day..... cheers

best dvd recording quality; stand-alone or PC

Hi, I`ve got a Mico R311 which seems great, also an older PC, 400mhz P3, etc. I want to make DVD`s out of my DV movies. Using the PC takes ages but i can control things more (I think), encoding can take 3-4 days (yes really), but it does work. Or i think i can just connect the videocam to the MICO and burn directly? using s-video connector on the Mico, or firewire on the PC. Will the quality of recording be better on the PC than the Mico? if so, any way i can modify the recording on the Mico to bring it up to more pc-like standards? thanks

RE: Sainsburys Mico R311 DVD Recorder - Now £49.99 (And some Home Theatre also)

Tks, yes I have, and if anyone want`s it I have a nine-page word doc of "snaffled" answers from that thread to save reading the whole thing....... No, what i am asking here is the specific name and branch of the person in sainsbury`s who made that offer to showman35 at the top of page 9 of this thread.

RE: Sainsburys Mico R311 DVD Recorder - Now £49.99 (And some Home Theatre also)

hello showman, if you get to see this, could you pls post the name of the customer services person and which branch pls? I bought an r311 a few days ago, sadly despite repeated testing of different connections it appears not to work properly. Of course sainsbury`s is now out of refurb but has plenty of OK ones, so i want to find the easiest way to persuade them to do the right thing, and having a precedent such as you appear to have established is often the easiest way. Thanks

RE: Sainsburys Mico R311 DVD Recorder - Now £49.99 (And some Home Theatre also)

Thanks, I should have mentioned i had read the manual from cover to cover on the way home, it didn`t really warn me about the need to plug the aerial etc in. never mind. it also didn`t really explain about how to do a simple replay on a newly made recording. but i`ll go and wade thru the 47 pages of posts on it from the other thread, thanks for that. cheers I may find this next q. in the 47 pages but....... is it possible to use this to record my home DV movies straight to disc? or can i use it to record a dvd from my other stand-alone dvd player? or can i take this unit apart, will i find inside a normal dvd +rw unit inside with an ide connector, so i can take the drive unit out, put it in the ide bay on my pc tower and record dvd`s there as well? thanks all..............

RE: Sainsburys Mico R311 DVD Recorder - Now £49.99 (And some Home Theatre also)

Went into the monster store at lower sydenham, south london (about 15 min by train from london bridge) yesterday lunchtime, got one, the box said black but it was silver, never mind, seems to work although i can`t yet figure out what it`s doing; anyway yesterday lunchtime they had about 20 left........ is there anywhere i would find a helpful idiots guide to this thing, firstly it doesn`t even light up when plugged into power unless the aerial/scarts are connected as well , then i put a blank +RW disk in, pressed record, it seemed to be recording, after a couple of minutes i stopped it and pressed play, and nothing much seemed to happen. Can one use this as a simple replacement for the old VHS? and if so how pls? tks

RE: Batteries for mattell power wheels ride-ons, US vs. UK

Hi, OP back, the recall fault was apparently to do with the fuses which in the old ones were moulded into the battery tops, loads of american kids reportedly just replaced then with tinfoil when they blew, which then overheated, burnt, etc etc, perhaps the vehicles have to work a little harder pulling american kids around! anyway i tried it on getting the free replacement batteries, no luck, the UK power wheels people said the recall was only for the states (is it that kids are more expendable here, or that the lawyers in the states are more assiduous?...) and from the US it seems the replacement was more of a modification anyway. Plenty more info on google search. cheers

RE: Aldi bargains from 1st July - DVD+/- writer £60, 160GB hard drive £70, digicam £90...

Hi, I`m a bit confused by this one. if i read correctly, this is a 160Gb hdd, 7200 rpm, 2mb cache, and i walk into the local aldi and walk out with one having paid 70 pounds. as a comparison i looked on ebuyer, there are a selection of 160gb hdd, 7200 rpm, 8Mb cache, eg hitachi, 61 quid including vat, maxtor 60 quid including vat, and shipping is 4.95 on them; what is it that makes this a "fill my boots" bargain? is samsumg a particularly well-regarded maker of these? thanks for any enlightenment anyone an throw on this

Batteries for mattell power wheels ride-ons, US vs. UK

Not really a special offer or anything, just an on-going US/UK price difference, so sorry if it`s a bit OT, but...... I had to get new 6V batteries for a childs ride-on Jeep. Called mattell here, they were very helpful in offering to take 76 quid off me for a pair of these. I got put in touch with an electronics place in the states,, and they sent me 2 for USD 16.67 each, including one-week postage! at todays FX, thats about £9.10 each! good old rip-off britain..... mouser even sent them separately so there was no risk of hitting customs limits. very good helpful service from them, mainly by web, but i called on the phone a couple of times for technical details and they were excellent. just in the hope it may of use to any other parents reading this board....

RE: Cheap NetGem iPlayer - Freeview Set Top Box £49.99 + VAT ( including wireless keyboard)

got it home last nite and set it up, good menu`s, internet setup went v easy, but...... it scanned and scanned, and i tried manually, but got no TV channels! we are in a marginal area, but have an existing sagem box which picks up about 15 of the 30-odd channels which should be available. are these iplayer receivers weaker than others? is it likely that i just got a duff box (on manual, it got to 38% signal strength on some channels, but only ever 5% quality, and never showed a picture or had sound. i don`t think i should need to get a new aerial if the sagem works ok with the existing one. any thoughts?

separately, my PC has an infrared mouse, i held the keyboard in front of it and hit random keys, the green indicator light on the mouse-dedicated receiver flashed, which normally indicates that it is receiving something, but no commands received by the PC that i could tell, anyone know if i can get hardware or software to allow the keyboard to be used on the PC?


Can i record from this to dvd/HD?

Thanks whoever started this, I rang a couple of local makro`s this morning, enfield has 400 of them, charlton had at least one pallet. SO on the train to Charlton at lunchtime, first they wouldn`t let me in, this Makro thing is a card-holders only cash and carry! anyway, bit of a moan cos i called and they said "come on down" and i got issued with a day pass on the spot!. Hurrah. Found the pallet, and bought one, on the grounds that it was easier to do that and take it back if it doesn`t do what want. And what i want is; This thing has UBS out. I`ve noticed that movies etc on TV via our existing digibox are a million times better quality than even pre-bought videos. Can I USB-USB this to my PC, and get "digital- video-out" from the Netgem, which I could then record onto the PC`s Hard-drive, and later burn to VCD/DVD? any thoughts anyone please? thanks

RE: Free DVDs from Pizza Hut

You know, i think i would rather pay for my own DVD`s than eat Pizza Hut pizza`s.....

5*dv tapes for a tenner still at Tesco you look

Went to a local tesco metro, all sold out. Went down the road to Southwark superstore, the stafff said they didn`t have that promotion, but packs of 5 TDK DV60-MEAA were on the shelf under their normal 19.99 price tag. I took a couple for scanning, and sure enough, they came up at £9.99 each! like previous poster I took a couple and walked out quietly. They seemed to have quite a few left, but because they weren`t sitting on a big promotional pallet (according to the staff member) they didn`t have them! Good thing someone told the tesco mainframe computer, even if they didn`t bother to tell the staff

can you export from this to a pc? to burn to dvd?

does anyone know if you can take the digital output from this to a PC (what sort of capture card would the PC need) so that if i had recorded a digital program from freeview onto the hardrive i could then run the cable into my pc and burn the program to a dvd? if not, are the h/d`s standard units that i could take out and slot into the h/d caddy on my PC? is it likely to be a format my encoder/burner/whatever can handle? thanks anyone

RE: 64Mb Secure Digital memory £11.99 inc P&P

excuse my ignorance, but is this , apparently in Jersey? I looked all around their site, the only PC area of the site i could find was PC supplies, and under that the only thing that came up was dvd rw blanks. didn`t appear to be under special offers either. Is there another splash, or are they hidden somewhere else on the site?

thanks in advance

RE: Fuji A405 @99, with 3-year g`tee on the cheap

I just wandered into the local PC World having seen this offer in the paper, they were out of stock but ordered one from a nearby branch which had 35 of them, it should be in tomorrow; at the checkout (i paid today) they said 3-year "instant-replacement" warranty for 25 quid, i naturally demurred; the lady said she would do a discount on the warranty, i said nothing for a minute, then told her she could put it on for a tenner if she wanted! she immediately suggested 1/2 price, i pointed out the camera was for a present so the wty was no use to me, 10 quid, take it or leave it; and she took it!!!! on the receipt the code is DISC(3) MGRS OFFER. So anyone thinking of buying one, for a tenner this has to be cheap insurance; beat them till it hurts! good luck