Info and forum posts by 'Robbie'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 9th November 2000, 21:43, Last used: Thursday, 9th November 2000, 21:43

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Just got a Scan sc-200.

Dear wobblegog,
I`m afraid I`m still in the "Shall I, shan`t I" phase, but am very encouraged to read your glowing report and that you finally took the bull by the horns!!
Am I right in thinking then that any orders placed now directly with Scan would provide the very latest version of the machine and the only things to upgrade at a later date would be the extension of the MP3 filenames and something to do with macro?? (Yeah I`m a techno nightmare).
What about your music CD reproduction as others seem less pleased with this aspect.
Interesting you mention about the optimum sound settings. I too have a widescreen Phillips with dolby pro logic and as you say you may as well get the best out of the TV sound.
Any takers?

RE: SCAN versus YELO

Thanks very much for your advice, it`s looking like a Scan but I`ll check out Carrots suggestions too.

RE: SCAN versus YELO

Thanks very much for your advice.
I`ll avoid the Yelo like the plague!!

SCAN versus YELO

A couple of months ago I was all ready to buy the Scan DVD player, content with the excellent report it received from the mags. Then I went to a Computer Fare and was introduced to a machine made by Yelo (not sure on the spelling). This machine could do everything the Scan could do and more. In addition it gave a full playlist for MP3 format discs rather than the reported limited display on the Scan.

Is the Yelo all that this quite plauible salesman said it was or not? Should I take it with a pinch of salt? I do play a lot of MP3 discs so an enhanced playlist would be a plus but at the end of the day it`s the DVD quality and features which matter.

I`ve read all the comments here and the very latest Scan does sound to be an good product. The only mention of Yelo is an entry suggesting thats it`s now withdrawn anyway as a result of quality control problems?

I rarely watch a video all the way through now due to dozing off so didn`t intend breaking the £225 barrier for a budget DVD.

Any help greatly appreciated, Cheers.