Info and forum posts by 'mensa'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 11th November 2003, 17:52, Last used: Tuesday, 11th November 2003, 17:52

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Pacific 1001 Muti-Regional????????????????

thanks for the reply...
I have absolutely no idea what RCE means, I`m guessing at regional coding encryption or something like that????
anyway, probably shouldn`t say this, but i have Finding Nemo which is a stunning copy that plays ace on my Wharfedale 750, so do all my Buffy region 1 discs, also my copy of Jackass that was bought from CDWOW when it was only available as a region 1, now when i try and play any of these discs on the Pacific I get either a rolling screen, or the screen freeze when the piracy warning appears.
any ideas?

Pacific 1001 Muti-Regional????????????????

I have recently bought a couple of these machines for my kids for Xmas, they play DVD-r and DVD+r, but I`m having dificulties playing region 1 discs, when you get the FBI warning at the start of films the screen freezes and thats wher it ends.
does it need a hack or anything?
my TV is definately NTSC compatible so thats not an issue, any help would be greatly appreciated.
cheers Rich

RE: Woolies new offer of the week

Failed to mention that the package is being offered at £49.99

Resonance DVD 1045

Woolworths in my neck of the woods are offering the following deal:
get shorty...when harry met in the iron mask...four weddings and a funeral...and some James bond film, along with these films they are chucking in a dvd player.
wait for it....a "Resonance DVD 1045".
I`m no snob, and definately not in the habit of spending out any more cash than i have to,
but what on earth is this DVD player.
I can`t find any info on it online and wouldn`t mind buying the package as a gift for my daughter whos about to leave for University.
anyone help me out on the playability of the machine. i.e can it do DVDr`s etc?
cheers Rich

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th December 2003, 15:44