Info and forum posts by 'RKH'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 21st October 2003, 17:35, Last used: Tuesday, 21st October 2003, 17:35

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Please don`t mock me...

Good idea. I`ve heard of these charities that will relieve you of old Pentiums. Any recommendations on where to buy my new PC? I`ve heard good things about Mesh, Dell, Evesham. Any other suggestions for an `off the peg` system?

RE: Please don`t mock me...

I knew it! Subconsciously I wanted to be told I s`pose...
Will go and buy a new one this weekend and give this a decent burial at the Council Tip.


RE: dvd-r`s

I`m with you all the way on point 2. Just means watching another three friggin` hours of our holiday again! The occasional voyueristic moment every now and again should get me through tho!

Please don`t mock me...

Because I have a 166 mmx. I do so love my puter and it`s very very fast indeed. Except when I go to use it and then it`s crap. Anyhoooo, anybody know where I can get upgrades/updates for the mmx specifically the 166? The downloads from Intel themselves don`t work (missing dll and can`t be bothered to go and get it and it probably wouldn`t work anyway) and everybody seems to have forgotten about the mmx completely. I`ve upgraded everything else I possibly can but will not replace the processor as will be getting a new puter eventually. (Been saying that for three years!)
Any ideas?

RE: dvd-r`s

Yes, I`ve read a lot of reviews saying they are particularly reliable but mainly from people burning DVD`s rather than pure DV to disc. I shall give them a whirl!
Thanks for the info.


Kids, eh?

Just got the kids a Hitachi DV-PF2E DVD/VCR Combi for the bedroom but of course their R1 Lilo and Stitch doesn`t work. This means they give me grief while I am watching the footie. Anybody know of a hack for it?
Any help appreciated....


Evenin` all. Looking at the front screen of this forum it looks like I might have picked a bad time!!! ;)
Bit of advice really. Got a Panasonic E60 DVD Recorder on the way and was wondering what anybody might recommend in the way of DVD-R`s for video (DV Camcorder) and TV Progs from Sky?
Just bought 25 x Bulkpaq Orange labels for £18 which seems cheap. Is it a case of you get what you pay for? Should I spend a few quid more on `branded` discs?
Any help appreciated as always....