Info and forum posts by 'doogey'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 9th August 2003, 07:49, Last used: Saturday, 2nd June 2007, 13:10

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 30 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

unlocked tmobile vario

hi just had my tmobile vario unlocked i want to use it on vodafone will all the functions now work or i have read you need to update the rom?? can anybody please help?
thanx dug

t mobile vario/ qtek 9100

hi does anybody know where i can download a user guide for this phone as i have miss placed mine!

RE: sky+ help

Bummer!! thanx for reply

sky+ help

hi all happy new year!
can anybody tell me if i buy a sky+ box from ebay etc.. will i be able to use it with my standard sky setup and card! because now i have no home telephone sky wont up grade me! even though you only need the phone line for interactive stuff which i never use!
thanx dug

RE: amd cpu overheating

hi i have checked all that and it is fine also have had side off and had a fan blowing in and the temp only drops to 62c
thanx dug

amd cpu overheating

hi all have an amd athlon 2100+ xp cpu which is running at 65c in idle windows keeps freezing up and the pc keeps switching off! i have replaced the heatsink and fan with a new more powerful one but this makes no difference! does this mean the cpu is knackered?
help please
thanx dug

RE: gil sans font

hi tried it its the right font thanx but they wont to charge for it when i try to download!

gil sans font

hi need this font for a 1 off job for a friend does anybody know where i can download it for free?
thanks dug

RE: hijacker help please

thanx all i will try these

hijacker help please

hi all! seem to have been hijacked by something called searchweb 2 which keeps changing my home page installs a tool bar and lists things in my favorite`s on explorer i have tried several removal tools but cant seem to get rid of it does any body know of a wayt to get rid of this PLEASE!!
thanx dug

packardbell audio dream

hi have one of these with a broken screen anybody know where to get a new one as packard bell dont do them
thanx dug

pop ups HELP

hi all!! keep getting advertising pop ups all the time have tried loads of removal tools adware, spybot that yahoo tool bar spy and adware remover they find loads of stuff which i delete then i clear :/ my internet cache`s also have spyguard running and spyblaster which are spose to stop all these but they dont!! please any help would be much appriciated. :(

jumpy graphics

hi what does it mean i during game play you freeze up for a split second making game play jumpy! try several games and it happens on all tried changing graphic card settings but still no joy!! please advice Thanx dug

p4 2.53ghz
asus m/b p4s8x-x
tachyon radion 9600 pro graph card 128mb
120 h/drive
1024mb ram

RE: wireless network problem!!

thanks for the advice! the pc is 1 floor up directly above the router maybe 3m, the other pc that use the wireless is further away and that has no problems! think i might just hardwire it cos its driving me mad keep losing connection!!
Thanx all

wireless network problem!!

hi help please have a cable wireless set up at home 1 pc connects to the router with a cat 5 and 2 others use wireless cards! 1 pc is always at full strength with excellent signal strength! but the other goes up and down all day long! and always totally loses connection to the router! have tried serveral different cards and even different brands but it still keeps dropping out have also tried different pci slots in the mother board! any clues please!! could it be a dodgey mother board?
thanx for looking

RE: help please from you wonderful people again!!

thank-you how simple when you know what your doing! thanx again

help please from you wonderful people again!!

have some pictures i want to keep but they are in crappy old aol art file format which i cant open! how can i change these to j-peg so i can view them again!
any help will be much appriciated
than dug

RE: conecting a 3rd drive

no its a 3rd rom drive

conecting a 3rd drive

hi help needed please want to conect a 3rd drive (dvd rom) have the right ide cable but what should the jumper settings be? have tried master slave and slave but it wont reconise the 3rd drive! should i set the 3rd to cable select? (whatever that means) and do i need to adjust the bios? any advice would be great!! thanx

RE: nero 6

pc games! cheers i`ll give it a go

nero 6

hi can anybody help me please have got nero 6 and trying to back up my games so my 8 year old doesnt wreck em!! but i cant get past the copyright! is there a trick to this or do i need different software? thanx

RE: help please keep crashing!!!

thanx for looking dont think i`ve got raid have an asus p4s8x-x mb gona updated the drivers for this and see if that helps!!

RE: help please keep crashing!!!

i have the patch and run the virus scan and there is nothing! thanx anyway

RE: help please keep crashing!!!

dont think its that mate as i have the latest norton software and a firewall on my network conector! thanx anyway

help please keep crashing!!!

hi can anybody help please have taken my pc to a shop to fix this fault which they said they did but guess what it`s started doing it again!!!aargh!! runing windows xp and it keeps rebooting on the event log it says cat 102 event 1003 under system! any advice please cos i`m slowly running out of hair!!! thanx

advice on parts please!!

hi just wanted some help from you guys on building a pc! all i need is some recomondations on the best parts to buy as i have looked at parts and have no idea what is a good reliable make and whats crap! just want to build a high spec machine mainly for gaming! any help will be much appriciated! thanks!

audisy 2 "HELP"

just bought this sound card ans am having trouble getting it to work! i`m running windows xp but the set up for the soundcard is asking me to put in service disc pack 1 for windows xp to find the drivers! what is this disc? or were can i download what i need? help please! thanx

RE: cookies

i`ll try that! thanx mate!


am running windows me and all of a sudden i am having problems with cookies! i use aol and have all the setting to allow cookis but still can`t access mainly banking sites! when i try to log on i am told cookies are disabled or missing! what can i do! is there a setting on the me for this or is it just on my browsers? help please

help please

can anybody help please? just had broadband installed by telewest and i want to connect another pc to it! i understand it can be done but would like to now how and where to get the bits! thanks