Info and forum posts by 'dvdhunter'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 19:05, Last used: Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 19:05

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: R1 Punch-Drunk Love (Special Edition 2disc) for £8.97 plus others

Just a question about dvdimport
Were any of u guys instructed by dvdimport to send a copy of a bank statement b4 ur first purchase from them?
I couldn`t due to software problems but dvdimport took my cash for a whole month despite my numerous emails to credit my card back.My card issuer are looking into the case.Pls beware of of those damn apes.

Help Please Portable dvd player

Guys and ladies,Am looking fo a cheap but reliable portable dvd player for my trip to Brussels on the Eurostar.Any suggestions on where to great a great deal?

RE: Mercury Music Prize

Guys Guys listen to Dizee`s album b4 u judge.As for his speech and interview,that award was probably the biggest thing that has happened to him as a 18 kid from a council estate who came from no where and beats coldplay and Radiohead.
Listen to the album b4 judging and besides how many of u `experts` bought the other nominated albums like soweto kinch...who?Lemon jelly...ehh?Floetry...what?
Buy the Albums do not download :)

This item was edited on Thursday, 11th September 2003, 09:48

RE: 20gb mp3 player=£99

Sorry i just checked Amazon website and its sold out i believe. :(

20gb mp3 player=£99

@ a Rio Riot.I just ordered 2,It might not as cool looking as an ipod but it will do for my trip to france.
Sorry am not able to make a link. :/


While surfing neeedlesssly i found Ned kelly to be out on dvd release on australian dvd websites.Use the usual dvdpricecheck.Hope this helpfull as Ned Kelly will be on release here on the 26th of sept.Your call

RE: Some cheap bits and pieces over @ DVDIMPORT

Nice one man.Just ordered Cowboy bedbop the movie,drumline,national security and empire for £31,cool

Any Good Asian flicks out there?

i just ordered a few films off dddhouse and am wondering if i left out GOOD films
-musa the warrior
-the happiness of the katakuris
-Full time killer
Last month i got The retuner,shaolin soccer,dark water,warm water under the bridge and battle royale.Also Hero and infernal affairs.
I need good reccomendations on asian flicks because i am tired of lame hollywood productions with no originality


Been searching for the holy grail for weeks since blockbuster started the sale.The collectors edition of lord of the ring was reduced to £19.98 (with bookends and all).It`s really hard to find this bargain since the have been snapped up.Got mine @Camden in london.There was one more left as of Thuresday Evening :)

RE: One of the most bizarre things I`ve seen..


RE: GHOST SHIP IN 3 FOE £20 offer

yep, :) in the store Magazine for the latest issue


Went to Blockbuster today and in the current newslater,the newly released GHOSTSHIP
If u have any problems with the staff refusing to follow up on the offer show them the newsletter which is in every Blockbuster

This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd July 2003, 14:58

ok dvds from £2.98 @ BLOCKBUTERS

I guess they had excess stock and were giving away these titles @ £2.98 a pop
the opposite of sex
high fidelity
the thomas crown affair
lucky break
duets....i was cheeep
They were mostly new not ex rental except lucky break.
Also got the Animatrix for £9.99,i cross checked with the retail version and both had the same features band xtras...sweet


Anyone out know where to get la-z-boyesque recliner that will not break the bank.I have the surround speakers,the sub,43inch tv,the home cinema amp and all i need to complete my cinematic heaven is a leather recliner b4 Matrix reloaded comes out on dvd

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 22:14

RE: Dark Water WAS £5.00 NOW £2.72 @!!!

Ordered The returner,dark water,shaolin soccer,warm water under the bridge and battle royal
from dddhouse on tuesday the 3rd and its arrrived tuesday the 8th july.but wasn`t @home to take delivery.Anyway it all costs me $383hk which according to xe is £30 not too bad and i slippped thrucustoms as well.
Also used the cd wow £3 link and got myself Real Women have Curves and and Donnie Darko both for a total of £13.48 and they are both region 1
just saw infernal affairs and its a cracker preparing to watch the Eye