Info and forum posts by 'mad-man'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 2nd March 2003, 16:46, Last used: Monday, 12th June 2006, 12:26

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 18 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

The Italian Job Collection at cd-wow £6.99

Hope this qualifies as a bargain :)


This item was edited on Sunday, 9th April 2006, 19:38

RE: Star Wars Episode 3 DVD - HMV has it for 9.99

saw it in asda(horwich) for that price as well :)


Battlestar Galactica Box Set seems a good price to me at £17.99. It`s the original series on seven discs with loads of extras. ordered and confirmed :)

RE: c

my `c` arrived today, only need `s` and the very rare `x` to finish off my collection :D thanks again to the OP

RE: Nokia 3100 Refurbished PAYG O2 £9.99 Incl P&P

Hope nobody on here is daft enough to give the greedy sod £30. mine arrived today,very impressed for a tenner! thanks again to the OP :)

RE: Nokia 3100 Refurbished PAYG O2 £9.99 Incl P&P

Good spot dampriser, many thanks. ps, don`t you just hate people who post messages like "i`ve ordered six and i`m going to put them on e-bay" greedy b`stards!

RE: Sony Ericsson K750i

Looking at getting this phone myself and so i thought i`d ring vodafones technical geeks and ask them directly about the mp3 ringtone concerns. A very friendly chap :¦ ( the words b`tard and patronising spring to mind!) told me that mp3`s that you put on the phone yourself will work as ringtones but one`s that are downloaded will not work due to copyrights. Think i`ll order one today, so i`ll confirm it works when i get the phone!

Smallville S2 R1 for £19

just noticed this at dvd soon if anyone else likes smallville,the shipping looks free but i`m not sure about the dreaded customs!!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th May 2004, 16:50

RE: the computer shop

went in midweek and got a memorex cd labeler kit for £8.99,cheap enough i think! (the shop at the reebok,bolton)

RE: £2 Off At Splash (Again)

should have learned my lesson but ordered `gangs of new york` from them about two months ago! not answering my e-mail either :( on the bright side,things usually do arrive but maybe the pidgeon got lost this time!

RE: £2 off Splashdvd

Just followed the link from dvd.answers and it now runs till the 17th.Has anybody ordered and more importantly recieved anything by using the discount code yet??

RE: Breadmaker £9.99 at Tescos

you lot have got bread for brains!! clear off and go to a delia smith or a hovis forum :) :p :)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd July 2003, 15:50


ordered one,looks a good deal to me. thought i`d make sure this spot got at least one reply! cheers

RE: ....Terminator 2 Ultimate 2disc £6.49

the way it has been mentioned a few times by the voice of 101,the cynical might say they`re hoping we all ask for our money back. would solve there little supply problem!!