Info and forum posts by 'keygrippa'

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Joined on: Thursday, 16th January 2003, 14:28, Last used: Thursday, 16th January 2003, 14:28

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: dvdr 880 play problems

This is becoming a very common problem; it`s mentioned at least 4 times in this forum. On my 880, the `NO DISC` error would not go away no matter what I did, & the machine unded up being repaired by Philips.

Beware of this hack!!!

RE: philips DVDR 880 hack gives "NO DISC"

Hi Bigtall

Mmmm, you have the same problem I had. Sometimes it would play a DVD ok, but more often it would say `NO DISC`! Very random, very annoying! I have posted warnings in this forum...

I tried everything, over and over, code 001, code 255, code 002 etc etc ad nauseam. In the end I took it back to the shop & they sent it to Belgium for repair. It works fine now but it took a month... they might charge you for it! Deny everything!

Sorry I have no better advice - I won`t be touching that software again on my 880!

RE: Philips DVDR-880 Multiregion Hack Please........

I repeat my warning to DVDR-880 users. My machine is still in Belgium where it has been sent for repairs after messing with the software. It`s been there a month now.

RE: Philips DVDR 880 (Philips Pronto Codes for Region Hack)

I`ll endorse Barrybegood`s warning. My 880 is going back for repairs after messing with the software. You have been warned!

RE: my philips dvdr 880 will not play Region 2 now


Your code for returning to Region 2 is 121 212 005 002. Or you can use 121 212 005 255 for region-free.

That may not be the end of the story though. The hacks worked for me BUT - my 880 is now being decidedly naughty.

I have restored the code for region 2 and NEARLY all my region 2 disks work fine..... but NEWER disks such as my Region 2 `Back to the Future` trilogy disks are now usually not recognised at all. Pop them in and the machine says `NO DISK`. If you swap them in and out with other region 2`s, power up and power down etc, you can eventually get the little beast to recognise them. The same problem occurs whether the machine is set to region 2 or region-free.

This is not just coincidence, for worse is to come... the DVDR cannot be persuaded to read my Region 2 `Attack of the Clones` disk at all. It just sits there and stupidly reports `no disk` no matter what I do. Yet if I then put in an older region 2 DVD, the 880 reads it straight away.

Naturally, these disks worked perfectly before I messed with the hack. I am guessing here, but since the problem disks are very new, is this due to the 880 being confused by some enhanced copy protection?

This is very annoying. Does anyone else share these problems? Is there any smart person who can help me with this?

RE: Phillips 880 recorder multi region

Hello Kevin

You are absolutely correct. My 880 also displays only NINE dots when prompting for the code.

If you press on regardless and keep entering the numbers blindly but carefully, the code WILL work (after powering down) but BEWARE... my 880 is now misbehaving & often doesn`t recognise disks, requires disk-swapping etc. Far from ideal, v messy.

I suspect there is more than one model involved here, perhaps different software versions. Can anyone cast any light on this?