Info and forum posts by 'making'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 3rd January 2003, 07:19, Last used: Wednesday, 23rd February 2011, 11:16

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: poor paramedic

This user has posted a total of 20 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Is there a Region Hack for the Toshiba SD270E?


Got a few suggestions for hacks from - none worked !!

Robert - your links dont work ??


RE: Is there a Region Hack for the Toshiba SD270E?


Just got one please, please, please e-mail me the hack (if there is one)


Eternally grateful,


Toshiba TV/DVD VTD1432 - any hack ?

Hi peeps,

Anyone know of a hack for a Toshiba tv/dvd combi VTD1432 ??



OOPS! Just noticed the ` No remote hack` messages - sorry

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th August 2005, 16:07

RE: Co-axial connection??

Sorted lads - I am running it through an old Daewoo VCR - all ok!!


RE: Co-axial connection??

Thanks guys - I may have an old VCR knocking around in the loft - i`ll try it out!

RE: Co-axial connection??

Well gee I do apologise!! Sorry to have such a damn old TV!

If you must know its a bloomin crackin` Toshiba and it happens that my Sanyo DVD is a spare which i`d like to have rigged up in my study.

Mike - Thanks for sticking up for me!! No Video unfortunately.


This item was edited on Friday, 21st January 2005, 08:54

RE: Cambridge Audio DVD57 Question


Just brought one, excellent player (£99 from Richersounds - half price) anyway I transgress.

The manual states that OFF is the default setting ? Dont know how you reset default though.


Co-axial connection??

Hi peeps,

I have an old Co-ax socket only TV which I want to connect to my Sanyo DVD player, my DVD has 4 sockets (AV which I cant of course use);

Coaxial digital output
2x Audio output (L&R)
Video output

Any ideas how to connect it up - if at all??


RE: Sanyo SL40 - dud?


The Store changed it no questions asked - wonder if they`ll discover the hack when repairing it back at Sanyo??


Sanyo SL40 - dud?

Guys & gals,

My Sanyo SL40 has packed up! It keeps returning a `no disc` message on loading each DVD (it doesnt even begin the loading process) but it plays my CD-R discs with no trouble at all.

Its still under warranty but I loaded the hack disc sometime back so I dont suppose they`ll touch it.

Any tricks to get it working??

Mick :/

RE: Noisey SKY + fan?

Its normal - leave well alone!

Can I delete the title bar?


I have just bought a Sanyo SL40 (boo hoo no hack!!) and have played some Mpeg files on it successfully. However across the bottom third of each Mpeg playback I get a thin green title bar with the file number in it, this obscures a good portion of the screen - Is there anyway to disable this function?

I have looked in the `sparse` manual but cant find any reference to this title bar at all.

Any help gratefully recieved,


Sanyo SL-40


I am looking for a hack for this DVD player, i`ve searched the forum and found a post with a website address which is `starred` out.

Can someone send me a link or address by e-mail?

Ta much,


The Mummy - special edition ?


I have a copy of `The Mummy` special edition, it plays ok but wont let me access the scene selections - anyone else had this? Is there a cure ?


Noisy BUSH ?


I`ve checked the forums and noticed that a lot of you experience a certain amount of noise with your DVD players - my own BUSH2023 makes an awful vibrating noise with some discs which disappears after about 15 mins of play, this always happens with the same discs, most of my discs otherwise play noise free.

Is this a normal occurence? Any other Bush owners getting this? One culprit is the latest `Harry Potter` R2.



RE: BUSH 2023 - pic prob??


Dont think i`ve got mine on NTSC output, which I guess is Region 1 ? Only play region 2 at present.

I just hope its not a known fault with no cure, the player itself is a lovely looker and apart from this the image quality is superb for a £80 rig - I`ll post any outcome when (!) the engineers get back to me.


BUSH 2023 - pic prob??


I`m new here and wonder if you guys can offer some advice?

I recently brought a Bush 2023 and a Samsung 24" WSTV, when playing DVD`s (the problem isnt so apparent on normal TV viewing) any bright spots amongst a dark background diffuse across the screen as a faint bright line. I`ve tried a new scart lead and altered contrast etc but no joy.

I am awaiting a visit from the engineers but just wondered what this was so I wont sound to stupid when asked? I guess its some brightness setting or something within the TV or DVD player - any ideas?

Any help gratefully recieved,
