Info and forum posts by 'steve.r2'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 11th December 2002, 09:49, Last used: Monday, 22nd March 2010, 19:48

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 3 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Panasonic DMR E30 copying?

I too have the Pioneer 525 and the Panasonic E30 and have found a way to make perfect back ups of both region 1 ntsc and region 2 pal DVD’s.

I have used the dvdmax adapter . I found that by using it as described ie plugged into the pioneer and then scarted to the recorder it was still unable to record region 1 due to copy protection. I found though trial and error that if I plugged the dvdmax adapter directly into AV2 on the E30 and used a lead that was s-video + Av at one end and scart at the other and used the s-video out on the dvd player and scart on the dvdmax I was able to copy all regions and all formats no problem.

The only changes I need to make on the E30 is AV2 set to s-video and system to pal or ntsc depending on region 1 or 2. I can make copies of region 1 dvd’s in pal but found the playback to be a little jumpy due to the conversion so I set the pioneer to output ntsc and the E30 to receive ntsc for perfect results.

Please advise on backing up vhs to Panasonic e30

I am hoping someone will be able to advise me on a problem I have backing up some home movies from a Sharp svhs vcr to the Panasonic e30 via an s-video lead.
I have found that on completion the playback has quite a lot of that checker effect in the picture when viewing a lot of motion e.g. the rippling surface of water and is very evident when the picture is paused. Apart from that the picture quality is very good. I am copying to Datasafe X2 gen 4 media which was recommended to me at the time of purchasing the machine, although only 4 out of the 10 I bought have actually worked. I have the Panasonic recording SP mode (2 hour) which although not the highest setting should be sufficient for this purpose.
Has anybody else had the same problem and been able to correct it or is this something you have to live with when backing up from a vcr.

RE: Panasonic DMR E30 copying?

I also have just bought the Panasonic e30 and am having the same problems backing up dvd’s from a chipped Pioneer 525 and have been exploring the options. The Macroscart cable looked promising but I have seen postings on other forums stating that it will only work with PAL (region 2) dvd’s and not NTSC (region 1). Can anybody confirm this? Since this cable retails at £50 it is a bit pricy to get as an experiment.
The other option which seems to be popular is to buy a cheap dvd player which is multi-region & macro hackable.

The players that seem to come up regularly in discussion on this topic are:
Acoustic Solutions DVD 321 / 451 - from Richer Sounds
dansai 1010 – from Tesco
Apex 1100wb - from ASDA

Does anyone have any experience using any of the listed machines or can suggest any alternatives.