Info and forum posts by 'R2Believer'

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Joined on: Monday, 18th November 2002, 21:35, Last used: Monday, 14th November 2005, 20:43

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Avid DVD collector. At first purely Region 1. But now I`m firmly a Region 2 convert and believer. Bought over 450 titles from Play and Splash. No hassle. Low prices. f*** You, dvdboxoffice!

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Do DVD Box Office reply to emails?

You`ve got my full sympathy, Mr Barnum!

I`ll tell you a little something that happened to me when I ordered some 25 discs from dvdboxoffice last July. Three titles never turned up, so I started an email and phone marathon with these guys. As of January 8th the last disc popped into the mailbox (an incredibly cheap MGM double disc of Motel Hell and Deranged). Try to beat that. It took them a full SIX MONTHS to send all items. I`m now exhausted and totally p***ed off with that online retailer. They do have uncut horror films at good prices, but their customer service is not of this planet. Better stick with Play and Splash, and for the occasional (cheap) Region 1 title I`d recommend Playcentric or dvdsoon. At least they reply to emails and sort out problems swiftly, instead of losing customers.

RE: SPLASH DVD-Whats going on???

OK, Mr Flyer. I agree.

Hope that Splash sort out their faults in your case. It is not much fun to be put on hold or ignored when paying for a product. Good luck to you.

RE: SPLASH DVD-Whats going on???

Mr Geoff! I stopped believing in Santa when I was 6. Brutally and suddenly. But maybe this year I`ll start believing again. Just ordered 30 discs from Splash. Can`t wait for them to arrive! Try using full stops and commas when emailing. It kind of makes it easier to read and comprehend.

RE: SPLASH DVD-Whats going on???

Try using an R1 retailer like dvdboxoffice. Ordered 25 discs in June. Two of them got lost in the mail after being shipped in July. The last title arrived three days ago. That`s SIX MONTHS for all dvd`s to arrive at my doorstep...But only after about 20 emails and 5 phone calls. I use Splash (and Play) all the time. Never had any major problems with them. Two titles from Splash (out of several hundreds) lost in the mail. After sending them emails asking for replacements, they arrived after 10 days. Nothing there to complain about. And they do return emails. Politely.

RE: Splash DVD

Prices are good, customer service is pretty good (better than Play), and shipment doesn`t take ages. About a year ago I`d rate Play higher than Splash, but now the tables have turned. And yes, prices are consistently low. Shipment to Norway is between 4-8 days. Not bad at all! Would recommend both Splash and Play though, due to their price fighting.

RE: - Second Hand DVD`s

Yes unfortunately. It`s happened 5-6 times to me recently. During the 18 months I`ve used Play, that`s the only quibble so far, but it`s really irritating when you pay and expect brand new discs.