Info and forum posts by 'davidpark'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 11th November 2002, 16:15, Last used: Monday, 11th November 2002, 16:15

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Philips DVDR610 troubles

DVDR610 now dropped to £176 from several internet suppliers.

RE: Philips DVDR610 troubles

Glad I read thread, I was thinking of buying one of these DVDR610 now the price as dropped to £179, I can understand why.

It is ok for those of you who can upgrade from the internet and make a CD to do this. But what about ordinary Joe Public?

Can I tell from the box in the shop if it has corrected s/w and parts inside?

OR what make should I get instead?

This item was edited on Friday, 7th January 2005, 10:06

RE: Region Hack for a Phillips DVDR70 needed

I was given 121 212 005 002 to make it region 2 only again and it did.

No I have not been able to do any thing more, I just hope someone comes up with more info.
Let us know if you have ago and if it worked for you please.

So I know 121 212 005 001 makes it region 1 only.
but the MR number given does not work 121 212 005 255

But I`ve been warned continual changing is limited (25?) in the number of times you can do it then machine locks up.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 12:51

RE: Region Hack for a Phillips DVDR70 needed

I have done the hack given and it has made my DVDR70 into a region 1 machine, but will not play UK Region 2 DVDs now.
How do I make it truely multi regional OR back as it was?
Anyone used the above and been OK or had my problem?

RE: DVD coming from USA

Hi, Shoes,
Thanks, please see my reply to kevit.

RE: DVD coming from USA

Hi, kevint,
Link did not work, but I searched on that site, came up with 4 suppliers.
3 definaltely the film required.
The third was a UK site but no picture of box label available. at £19-99 no shipping charge.

Got the Dvd how ever yesturday, 6 days to come from a usa supplier recomended by World Wide Pictures, at $22-99 + shipping $11-40


RE: Is is cheaper to buy DVDs online or if you are in the USA

Just got my first DVD from USA, they charged me $11-40 for shipping.
The jiffy bag says AirMail and US postage is $6-40, feel a little ripped off.
The Dvd its self is $22, so at shipping chargages like this personal shopping should be cheaper.

RE: DVD coming from USA

Thanks to all who replied.
To bring you up to date have cancelled they say they can`t obtain it for me.

RE: Where will I get the cheapest 32" widescreen????

Buying from Asda gives a 3 year free guaranttee.

If you can try to buy a w/s with a FLAT screen far better than curved ones.


RE: DVD coming from USA

No problem, Enemy.
Worldwide Pictures, a specalist film maker, Road to Redemption.

RE: DVD coming from USA

Thanks ShaunP and Telboy10, I did try several sites mentioned before, and the 2 you mention, all could not supply the film required except one.
The one suppling is they have given 24% discount of the listed price $22-99.
So I guess I am paying $6-42 over a firm that might have charged LP with free or cheaper shipping.
Willingness to supply as won in this instance.

RE: DVD coming from USA

Thanks for prompt respose Mike.
Its $18-96, plus $10-45 shipping, so if shipping equals postage then looks as if I`m in for no extra charge.

DVD coming from USA

I have ordered a film on dvd on line from America, when it arrives in Uk what can I expect to happen?
Will I be asked to pay any taxes?
If yes how will this be done?

RE: need multiregion hack for kenwood dvr 7000 please

Have you actually tried a different region dvd in it?
I ask as a friend has a Kenwood DVT7000 and he is under the impression it is multi region as supplied, but he as not tried one.