Info and forum posts by 'sethos'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 5th October 2002, 14:33, Last used: Saturday, 5th October 2002, 14:33

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: 26, from The Netherlands

This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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Actually, sometimes I really like it: the Larwence of Arabia two disc set for example, and some other two disc sets (and I for one will be very angry if Entertainment in Video will bring out the 4 disc version of Fellowship of the Ring in anything other than a digipack).

RE: All postings relating to Lord of the Rings SE here please,(all users please read in)

yeah, the film itself is uncut, if you looks a bit closer at the BBFC site you`ll see that it`s one of the documentaries they trimmed a bit due to some sexual references. EiV didn`t want to end up with a higher classification, so they cut the extras. which i think is really lame.

RE: All postings relating to Lord of the Rings SE here please,(all users please read in)

Great, now I`m all worried again about it being the horrible 4 disc case. Is there anybody who has seen the actual packaging, or has a phone number for Entertainment in Video so i can contact them about this? I`ve heard complaints about discs getting scratched/falling out of the the Blade 2 4disc packaging, and since my copy will have to travel from the UK to the Netherlands, I`m quite worried about this. None of the online stores can give me an answer about the packaging, and since the shipping date is getting closer and closer now...

RE: All postings relating to Lord of the Rings SE here please,(all users please read in)

Thank you for clearing this up! I was very worried about having to cancel my order of the Gift Set and buy the more expensive Dutch version instead (I live in The Netherlands, and the UK version is about 15 quid cheaper than the dutch Gift Set)

RE: All postings relating to Lord of the Rings SE here please,(all users please read in)

well, what i would like to know is if the UK Extended Edition will have the same packaging as the American version: the fold out Digipack. I`m very worried that Entertainment in Video will use that horrid 4 disc case they used for some of the copies of Blade 2. Does anybody have any info about this?

RE: LOTR 4 Disk - Which one to get ?

nothing but the book ends and the Extended Edition in the Collector`s thingy, I believe....

RE: LOTR 4 Disk - Which one to get ?

just the extras. the BBFC site specifies no cuts were made to the film itself

RE: lord of the rings any info?

well, what I would like to know is whether or not the UK version will have the cool packaging the US version will have, or whether it have the horrendous 4 disc case some of the Blade 2 DVDs came in! I hate that cheap packaging, I want the gorgeous fold out version the Americans are getting....