Info and forum posts by 'bazneal'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 19th September 2002, 09:01, Last used: Thursday, 19th September 2002, 09:01

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Retired
RAF Avionics Tech - 22 Years
Electronics Repair Manager 20 Years

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Pacific 1002 DVD Player

I finally gave up with trying for multi-region with my Pacific 1002 DVD Player. So I took it back to ASDA and swopped it for another 1002 to see if it made any difference. It did. The new player was identical on the outside but there must be a diiferent chip set or PCB manufacturer because the DVD screen was BLUE instead of GREEN and the Set-Up menu was different. But the Region hack work exactly as stated by "chuckey". The is one other difference, the first player showed my photo discs the new one won`t. But I can now watch multi-region DVD`s.

I hope this story may be of interest.


RE: Region Hack wanted for a Woolworths £69.95! DVD Player

I saw this in the BigW yesterday, they appear to be the same as my Pacific 1002 from ASDA. The remote is exactly the same and the box as only slight cosmetic differences. There are serveral messages in the forum on the hack for Pacific 1002


RE: Pacific 1002 DVD Player

Many Thanks Chuckey

Tried it with draw closed and no disk. Still get "wrong region" with a Region 1 disk.



RE: Pacific 1002 DVD Player

Thanks for your reply Yes I have tried that hack many times, both with a region 2 dvd and with draw open. Just no joy

Pacific 1002

Have new Pacific 1002, have tried all info given to hack for region change, has the machine been upgraded. Any info please.

Pacific 1002 DVD Player

I have just purchased a Pacific 1002 DVD Player from Doncaster ASDA (18/09/02) and cannot hack it to play multi-region. The hack stated on many sites (both versions) just does not have any effect. Has there been a update to the machine which requires a new hack. Please can anyone help. I purchased this player because it plays all types and I thought I could hack it for region 1, giving me everything I require