Info and forum posts by 'blackpudding'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 27th August 2002, 09:19, Last used: Monday, 24th January 2011, 18:00

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This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Richer Sounds - You pays your money you makes your choice

"Being able to read in knew that the product was graded. "

But not spell eh? Being a legal secretary (not the typing sort !!) I can also read, and `graded` cannot be used as a catch all term for `non returnable` - I know that and so does Julian Richer...

The product said `multi-region` and `includes remote control` and came without either feature. I kept copies of the ad (available to anyone who asks) as I often have to deal with similar cases for online consumers and ALWAYS make copies myself. The staff at RS where some of the worst informed I have ever had to deal with and I had to resort to sending an official letter of rejection and contacting my CC company for a refund. If you think this is reasonable behaviour for a store (large or small) then so be it.

"so your one dvd player not coming with one is not really a fair case for trading standards"

Err I think you missed the point - if trading standards hadn`t asked them to change the ad many more people may have got the remoteless players, and staff would have told them the same as me - tough! I didn`t demand a remote, I asked for my money back and they refused. Ripping off 1 customer or 150 is irrelevant - they should know better. Also should I have just let them get away with it because YOU got what you ordered? It was a fair case and not the first according to Trading Standards.

"What did you expect for £50?"

I expect what was advertised, no more no less. The player neither had the advertised remote NOR multi-region compatibility without it - I had a right to my money back under the sales of goods act and RS told me I couldn`t have it - they broke the law so why shouldn`t I complain?
Richer Sounds has a history of this (and a reputation in the trade) which they constantly deny. As someone who has been cheated by them and knows the law I intend to make a fight of it and to tell anyone whos interested my story. If you choose to continue to purchase from them good luck, its your decision. But make it an informed one.

This item was edited on Monday, 2nd September 2002, 12:25

RE: WARNING - Richer Sounds Rip Off!

I don`t really want to rant about Richer Sounds but I DID READ the advert carefully and when a problem occured I was freindly and understanding with staff. Trading standards agreed their ad was WRONG and upheld my complaint and had them change it. So why don`t Richer Sounds just do the right thing and give my money back? Because despite their protestations they are a large faceless company with a bottom line...profit. No one you talk to could care less (it isn`t in their contract) and the smiling faces in the stores are BS. I have to pressure my CC company for a full refund and RS get away with it again (its not the first time - search the net).

As far as the comment "rather support independant stores than a big chain" Richer Sounds IS a large chain - don`t be fooled into thinking its the good guy - BEWARE.

RE: Richer Sounds service is c**p

There online sales staff are great until you have a problem, then they just state company policy and you never hear from them again - even if they have breached the Sales of Goods Act 1979. They stopped answering my emails and if I phone they put me on hold and NEVER answer. Their shops are no better in that if you take your problem there they claim to be a different company then the online one - I checked at company house and this is a lie - more company policy at work no doubt.

I`m just glad I only spent a small amount there and paid by credit card - it will take ages to get my money back but at least I will get it.

To all those who rate Richer Sounds service I can supply copies of all communications and you can make your own mind up who is at fault...I already have to trading standards and `Which Web Trader`.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th August 2002, 13:04

WARNING - Richer Sounds Rip Off!

I ordered a Limit DVD 8080 from Richer Sounds last week when the advert and order page read `includes remote control`. If you are wondering why it now says `no remote control` its because I reported the advert to trading standards and they told them to change it!

The `graded` tag also means secondhand, returned, repaired and sold to me with scratches and NO accessories. Richer Sounds refuse to refund me as it is a `sale item` and say I can buy a remote for an additional £25 but that the fact the advert said it was supposed to have come with one is just `unfortunate`. Also Multi-Region is a joke - its not available unless you have the remote.

Save your money and buy from a reputable dealer and remember to pay by credit card - I`ve already put in a claim for compensation (Richer Sounds refuse to answer my emails and put me on hold if I phone). If this is what a `Which Web Trader` has as an idea of customer service and sales of goods act 1979 (I work in a solicitors practice) then I see it as a warning!

As for Richer Sounds reputation in the trade for selling S/H and repaired goods as new - its well deserved. As Trading Standards told me - If its too good to be true it probably is.