Info and forum posts by 'John Young'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 18th August 2000, 21:23, Last used: Friday, 18th August 2000, 21:23

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: I am a fan of DVD, Playstation and Dreamcast.

This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Opinions Please On Speakers

I recently bought some new kit from Richer Sounds:-

Sony STR-DB940 5.1/DTS Amplifier
Celestion F1 Front Speakers
Eltax Symphony Centre Speaker
Eltax A8 Subwoofer
Eltax HT-2 Bipolar Rear Speakers

The question I have is has anybody else had experience of the HT2 Bipolars (or similar). The guy in the shop said it was better to buy 4 speakers the same for the front and rears (ie - two pairs of F1`s) but I wanted the Bipolars cos they are easier to wall mount.

I`m using the above for Dolby Digital and DTS from my Sony DVP S725 DVD player and Pioneer 925 LD player. Any opinions appreciated.

John Young

Sony DVP S725 Operating Noise 2 !!

I just replaced my first sony DVP S725 with another from Richer Sounds. This one is absolutely quiet during play except for two things -

(1) when I press "stop" it makes a squeaking sound (not always)

(2) sometimes this sound appears when skipping through menu`s on the DVD )again not always

Apart from this the machine works flawlessly - anyone had this problem with theirs? Obviously I don`t want to return a machine for nothing as it works fine otherrwise!!

Sensible answers only please


John Y

RE: Sony DVP S725D Operating Noise????

Thanks for the advice my friend! I`ll try it out. Just pleased its not just me who has had this problem.

Thanks again

Sony DVP S725D Operating Noise????

I just bought this player over a week ago and am very pleased with it. However I have noticed that it can be quite noisy while playing discs - on certain chapters on different DVD`s you can here the motor running. Can anyone with this player tell me if this is common when playing discs on this machine. Its not there all the time, just on various chapters. Its not that it bothers me that much - I can put it in a cabinet to deaden the noise - I just want to know if anyone else has experienced this. Its still a fantastic machine - picture and sound quality blow the Panasonic A350 away which I bought this player to replace. Mind you the Panasonic was VERY quiet so maybe that is why this player sounds louder - apart from this it operates flawlessly - its multi region with macrovision disabled - got it from richer sounds for £380.00 with a 3 year guarantee!!

Sony DVP S725D Operating Noise????

I have just bought this player a week ago. I am very pleased with it but find that it can be noisy while playing discs. Just on different chapters on different DVD`s you can hear the motor running quite loudly. Can anyone with this player tell me if this is normal for this machine. Its not that it bothers me that much - I can put it in a cabinet to deaden the noise - I just want to know if this is a common thing with these players - I had a Panasonic A350 before this and it was extremely quiet so maybe thats why i think this machine is noisy. Its still a fantastic machine though - and Multi region with macrovision disabled - from Richer Sounds. It plays every DVD in my collection perfectly - all 150 of them!