Info and forum posts by 'unlucky alf'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 29th April 2002, 17:40, Last used: Monday, 29th April 2002, 17:40

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 22 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Fave fight/action scenes

Columbians and chainsaws scene in Scarface and Montanas last stand in Scarface are my favorites wasnt the vice scene in Casino.

RE: Hack wanted for Pioneer DV 340

Try this Remove any disc in the tray
- Press the SETUP on the remote control
- Move over to GENERAL using the arrow keys
- Select BASIC
- Press DISPLAY - this will display your region and
firmware version
- Press CONDITION/MEMORY (nothing is displayed or
changed on the screen)
- Press the REGION # required (i.e. 2 for Region 2 etc)
- Press MENU to store

I needed to this so my my machine would ply Die Hard Ultimate Collection R1 (my player is chipped)

Not DVDbut SKy Digital problem

Ive got a grundig box and my sky active ``press the red button`` thing works for two weeks then does not work for about 3 weeks then comes back on. Anyone else got or had this problem?

RE: RGB problem

Thanks i will try it.

RE: RGB problem

dont work there is just sound

RE: RGB problem

It is outputting RGB.

RGB problem

When i switch to RGB mode on my Sony TV when watching a DVD on my Pioneer DV-340 i just get sound. But the RGB works with my sky box. My DVD player is connected like this. DVD connected to sky box, sky box connected to tv in AV1 socket. Please help.

RE: FREE External CD Rewriter!!!

I dont care if i dont get it, but its worth a try isnt it?

RE: FREE External CD Rewriter!!!

Ive ordered one this morning. How do you pay for them? it says item will be sent to my address and a invoice will be sent?

Fight Club R1 Vs R2

Is there any difference between the two versions?

RE: Goodfellas Censored????

Issac, if its air plane ticket maybe its a airline company who did not want their good name associated with a film about gangsters? do you think thats possibly why they censored it.

RE: Goodfellas Censored????

Just before the cops arrest him in the car. Some one please tell me why its censored.

This item was edited on Monday, 13th May 2002, 20:28

Goodfellas Censored????

I watched Goodfellas recently when it was aired on channel 5 and brought it on DVD when i was on holiday in Australia and on both versions of the film when the babysitter is on the phone to Henry she takes a leaflet or somthing like that and there is a big black bar across it. I just wondered if anyone knows wahts under it and if its all versions of the film R1, R2, R4. Please help because its been bugging me for ages.

RE: What connection is best scart, s video or that yellow connector?

I think i am just going to try them all out.

What connection is best scart, s video or that yellow connector?

Im new to DVD and just brought a sony tv & dvd package and was looking at the connections and want to know wich is best scart, s video or the yellow connector overall. Your help is very much appreciated.

RE: DVD reviewer Purity test question.

my wife would kill me but does it?

DVD reviewer Purity test question.

Having finished the purity test i was left wondering about the pornographic DVD questions, Do they improve your percentage on the test?

Help with Solo card needed.

found it out.

This item was edited on Monday, 29th April 2002, 18:42