Info and forum posts by 'GerryH'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 17th March 2002, 12:12, Last used: Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 12:25

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

New CRT TV - Panasonic TX32DTM1 or Toshiba 32YT56?

I bought a Philips 32PW6518 from Comet a few weeks ago which had a really nice sharp picture for the first couple of days until the tube went!!. As they were out of stock by that time, I got a Philips DW6559 as a replacement. It has a grainy picture on composite and is even worse on RGB with Sky. DVD via RGB is pretty dull and lifeless looking too.

So after 2 faulty Philips sets I`m considering either the Panasonic TX32DTM1 or Toshiba 32YT56 as a replacement.

Can anyone recommend either of these sets??

I did have a look at the various 32 inch sets available in various stores but the quality of picture on all the sets looked pretty average in "shop conditions".

Thanks for any help.

RE: Swap Magic 3.0 with sliding tool

I bought mine about 3 months ago from PSX Services (see Daywalker`s link above).

It`s worked perfectly so far. Removing the DVD tray cover is probably the hardest part. I was worried it would break but it came off OK eventually.

RE: Coaxial to Optical please help!!

Maplins sell a co-axial to optical converter for £14.99. If you don`t have a co-axial lead you should be able to pick that up from Maplin too.

Co-axial to Optical converter

My old Dansai player`s on it`s last legs so I was going to replace it with a Pacific 1002W. My kids have both got older 1002`s with optical digital output but I noticed the new version only has co-axial digital output.

As my amp doesn`t have a co-axial audio input, I presume I`ll need a co-axial to optical converter. Maplin sells these for £14.99. Has any one used one of these? Do they do the job OK?


RE: DVD -R or DVD +R

John - I`ve got one of the Medion PC`s also. You will have Instant Copy and Nero already installed on the PC. Instant Copy is good quality, if a bit slow. For a guide to DVD copying/burning with Instant Copy try this link:

You could also try downloading an excellent freeware programme - DVD Shrink. You can rip, re-encode or re-author as required using DVD Shrink and then burn using the Nero software provided with the PC. This method is quite a bit faster and quality seems fine to me. Try this guide:

Hope this helps.


Dansai 852`s in Edinburgh

For anyone interested - the Dansai 852`s were back in stock in the Tesco, Corstorphine store. There were about 7 on display when I picked up mine yesterday.