Info and forum posts by 'Lensman'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 26th July 2000, 22:54, Last used: Wednesday, 26th July 2000, 22:54

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Where have all the scan complaints gone

Well... they`ve had my player for two weeks now.. and according to their RMA stuff on the webpage it`s still `awaiting testing`...

Question to those of you who sent their player back... how long did Scan take to admit it was messed, and how long till you got your money back?.


RE: Where have all the scan complaints gone

Well... they`ve had my player for two weeks now.. and according to their RMA stuff on the webpage it`s still `awaiting testing`...

Question to those of you who sent their player back... how long did Scan take to admit it was messed, and how long till you got your money back?.


RE: Problems with Scan sc2000

Hi Rob,
Can you verify that all known problems on the scan player are now resolved?. Namely the problems it had with shadows and dark areas of the screen, the diagonal lines, and the faulty connectors?

Scan still have mine and I`m debating if I want to stubbornly demand my money back, or if it`s worth accepting a new one..


This item was edited on Friday, 11th August 2000, 10:35

RE: Problems with Scan sc2000

Yep, I`d noticed the diagonal lines too.. but at the time, given I was running it through and old tv (was waiting for the new one to arrive, which it did yesterday) I chalked it down to that - gave scan the benefit of the doubt on that one so to speak..

In response to the earlier message by Charlie Crocker.. If you want, I`ll keep you informed as to how my return goes... I figured that if Scan won`t accept the player back as faulty, and give me a refund, then sure I`ve lost 60pounds (25% + 10pounds p&p), but I`ve at least got 120 back to spend on a decent player from a decent company who actually knows what customer support means.

Needless to say though, if they don`t accept it as faulty, they`ve lost about a 2000 pound hardware order my housemate and I would have been placing with them over the next few months... not to mention I`d be quite happy to tell everyone I know just what I think of Scan =).

Oh, interestingly enough.. Scan have had my machine for over 48 hours now according to the information on the RoyalMail website about when the package was delivered - yet their RMA web query facility still says awaiting package from client

RE: Problems with Scan sc2000

I agree with robert on this one..

My main dvd player before the Scan was a PC and a RealMagic Hollywood plus Decoder card.. I`ve watched most of these movies 4, 5 times or more and until I played them on a Scan, I`d never had /any/ gripes over image quality.

I sent my SC2000 back, and now just need to see if Scan admit to it being a fault or not.

RE: Scan SC2000 Problems

Hi Court,
Where on this website to they admit to this?. I noticed an emailing commenting on the faulty composite output on some models, but have yet to see anything mentioning the firmware upgrade, or the pixelation on black images..

If you could post a link, or the thread, I`d be greatful.

(Note, according to Scan`s terms and conditions.. if you send it back and they declare the machine works perfectly.. if you want a refund you may have to pay a 25% restocking fee, and a £10 labour charge for them telling you there`s no bug... Hence me most trying to find something to back myself up with if they deny there`s a problem!).


RE: Scan SC2000 Problems

Hi Court,
I made the mistake of ordering my DVD player just before I read this post, and when it arrived and I hooked it up I found the same problem that you mention.

However, having contacted Scan today, they deny all knowledge of this particular bug, and of the firmware upgrade you mentioned!. Do you have any idea who you spoke to at Scan, so I can mention him by name if, when they get the player back, they claim it`s not defective...

Matt (djm[at]moc.ltg)

RE: Problems with Scan sc2000

I emailed scan on Friday of last week, asking them about the problems with the sc2000 player (Namely the shimmering effect, and the possible DTS problems I`d read about on here with DVD`s such as Saving Private Ryan).
The point of the email was to ask if they were still being shipped, and if so, how they felt about returns.

This was their reply:
Both of the problems you mention are a result of a fault on some of a recent batch of the player. There should be no more of the players with this problem. Any customers that recieve a player that is suffering from this problem, or is in any other way faulty, will be offered a replacement. This is valid up to one year from the date of purchase.
I hope this answers all of your questions. If you need any further advice do
not hesitate to drop me an email.

Note it does say that no more players should exist with those problems, from which I`d have to assume that they aren`t still shipping the faulty ones. (Perhaps they had some poor soul sit down and test them all? =).


(Update on 4th Auguest 2000)
Well, I ordered and recieved my player.. and whilst the connector problem seems to be pretty much fixed, there`s a problem with dark areas pixelating (See a different thread..).. which they seem to deny knowing about...

Not a happy chappy....


This item was edited on Friday, 4th August 2000, 10:15

LG DVD3350E - Any information?

After hearing about the `bugs` in Scan`s SC-2000 player, and then hearing about this one ( sell it for just a little more than the scan one costs, and looks to have pretty much the same features.).. I was wondering if anyone had seen / used / heard anything about the 3350E yet?

Specifically, is it any good? And is there a known region hack for it?

Thanks in advance!