Info and forum posts by 'yossarian'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 27th December 2001, 19:53, Last used: Thursday, 27th December 2001, 19:53

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


I am looking for this hack too, I have been all over the net with NO success, all I did find out is it Sony don`t mind if you do hack their players and it doesn`t invalidate your warranty but obviously they are banking on no-one ever finding out the codes?! If it comes up can someone email me at 1002eojdelbuortfotsohgeht[at]moc.oohay as my stoopid computer wont let me bookmark this page. I shall carry on looking and post it if I find it but don`t anyone hold there breath....

RE: Lord of the Rings

I have re-read the books time and time again since childhood and this was going to be my viewing highlight of the year and although it was, I was a little disappointed by the general Hollywood taint on it. A love interest between Aragorn and Arwen (even if it was Liv Taylor who anyone could fall in love with!) and the terrible lines between Boromir and Aragorn during the CHANGED ending scene. I knew there would have to be some deference to the money men but I hope it was contained with-in the first film and doesn`t increase in the next two. Also why did they change the Orcs into these screaming animals when in the books they clearly speak? Thought that was a bit over-done. Other than that the Dark Riders, the Elves and Elijah Wood as Frodo were absolutely spot on and the fight scenes seem to indicate the final battle will be something bloody remarkable. And best of all it knocks Harry Bleedin Potter into a cocked hat.

RE: What game best shows off what the PS2 can do?

Try Time Crisis 2 (needs a light gun but the old G-Con 45 works so you don`t have to buy a new one) It plays exactly like the arcade version. Avoid Pro-Evolution Soccer and GTA3 as the gameplay is good but the graphics are crap. James Bond: Agent under Fire looks quite promising although I have only just started it.

Sony DVP-NS300 Region Free hack needed...

I have managed to find a Region Free hack for my Proline DVD player and so when friends bought the above model I said I would get a hack for them...! Unfortunately I can find none on the Net, although I guess there is one as the same model is advertised for sale by some UK companies as Region Free. Can anyone help me save face? Please and Thank you!