Info and forum posts by 'wonkdonk'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 24th October 2001, 10:25, Last used: Wednesday, 24th October 2001, 10:25

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Sony DAV S800 audio connectors

Does anyone know where to get hold of the audio connectors for the DAV S800?

I`ve been to the Sony shop in Kingston and was told that they don`t sell them separately. I asked the guy if they really expected everyone spending that much on a DVD system to use the supplied speaker cables. His answer - `Well you could always cut off the Sony cable behind the plug and re-solder it`. Not exactly the reply I was looking for.

I`ve tried various other places (Richer Sounds, Maplin) but can`t find them anywhere.

Any help much appreciated.



Home Entertainment magazine have reviewed the s800 and awarded it their Best of the year award.
The link is:

From what I`ve heard on this forum from Westy and co, I went ahead and ordered one. Should be here in a couple of days.

Where to buy multi-region dvd?

I`m going to buy, finally, a Sony DAV S800 system - but where from?

Techtronics seem to have what I`m looking for (a decent upgrade), but I`ve seen a number of posts saying they`re not a good company to deal with.

Is that the general concensus? Or is it just that the only time people post is when they have a bad experience? Is there a better source for a multi-region upgraded system that anyone can recommend?


RE: Starting out - what to buy?

Thanks for the advice.

I checked out Westys post re:s800 - so that`s one decision made. Makes it much easier than trying to find all the bits individually. Not sure of the best place to get a region-free one - I`ll have to check the Retailers Reviews forum.

Next up - the TV. Love the look of the Sony KV32FQ75 - the picture looks great too - but hate the price - anyone got any other suggestions?



Starting out - what to buy?

I`m starting from scratch, so i need a tv, dvd/dvd&amp and surround speaker package.

I`m looking to spend up to £2000 for the lot.

Does anyone have any suggestions. I quite like the look of the Sony DAV S800. I don`t just want to be paying for the name though!

Thanks, Adrian

Best complete system for £2k?

I`ve got a budget of about £2000 set aside to buy a complete home cinema setup - TV included. I`ve got nothing at the moment, so no legacies to worry about.

Does anyone have any ideas on what i should be looking at? I`ve been thinking of going the Sony route (safe, but predictable?, not to mention expensive), with the DAV s800 system, in combination with the KV32FQ75. I will admit to be swayed by the looks of both!

From reading all the posts, it seems I could get better performance by looking at other options, but not being very technical it`s all a bit confusing.

Any advice would be gratefully received.



RE: plasma screen help!

Hi there,

Thanks for all your posts, they`ve given me food for thought before making, what is for me, a very large investment.

Andrew, its the fujitsu fpds4211e-w. Spoke to the guy again, and he says they send them back to the factory for reconditioning and "you couldn`t tell it from a new one"! Well, what else is he going to say?

Thanks again.


RE: sony dav s800 - what 32

I`m looking at the FQ75 too. Also hoping to price match at john lewis!
Just had an offer of a 42" plasma, so I`m going to check that out too.

plasma screen help!

I`m going to buy the sony dav s800 dvd/speaker setup. I was also going to get the sony 32" 100z CRT to go with it. A friend of mine has just told be he can get a fujistu 42" plasma screen for £1700 + VAT. It`s been used for exhibitions for 6 months. It`ll be refurbished and come with a guarantee.

I know nothing about plasmas - apart from they cost several arms and legs - does anyone have any thoughts on this. I seems too good - and often that means it is. Do plasmas `burn out` or something similar if they`ve been used a lot?

Any advice or opinions, much appreciated.

sony dav s800 - what 32" tv?

Probably going to buy the s800 system. Not sure which tv to buy. Thinking about the Sony 32" WEGA or maybe the JVC. Haven`t decided on the 100hz issue.

Any thoughts, much appreciated (this is a very big buy for me!)


sony dav s800

I`m thinking of buying the s800 system. Has anyone converted theirs to region-free? Or know if it`s feasible?