Info and forum posts by 'alexklaas'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 14th October 2001, 19:58, Last used: Sunday, 14th October 2001, 19:58

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: what`s up with ABSOUND - site not available?

yay they arrived today - too bad that it went through custums and the morons there taxed the shipping cost (not just the actual cost of the dvds) and thought it was US dollars although it clearly states canadian dollars multiple times on the box so that i had to pay two times as much as i would have had to so now i`m kind of p***ed and will have to go and complain

RE: what`s up with ABSOUND - site not available?

thanx - yeah the site works for me again as well.

hmm it`s been exactly 9 days since they shipped it i`m starting to wonder where they are...oh well

what`s up with ABSOUND - site not available?

hey there,

absound had shipped my order to me (i`m in germany) over a week ago so today just out of curiosity (i know that the status won`t change there...but i was going to check for email addresses i could write to to ask what`s up - how long do they usually take to ship to england?) i tried to check them again but the site just wouldn`t load - is it just me?

RE: is any one still waiting for final fantasy from play??

well my final fantasy was posted last wednesday, i`m in germany and ep1 took from tuesday (posted) to the next friday to arrive so i`m hoping for this friday....put it was posted all right without hassles.

RE: What`s up with Play247

friday - ep1 is here, woohoo! ok it did take 7 working days to get here to germany but that`s not THAT bad, i mean the dvd doesn`t even come out here until the 25th and i already have it, kick ass! the price was ok too so play did satisfy me.

and of course they already sent my final fantasy code 1 dvd on wednesday even though the release is next monday - really cool place

This item was edited on Sunday, 21st October 2001, 12:32

RE: What`s up with Play247

thursday.....still not here.....getting kind of impatient!

RE: What`s up with Play247

wednesday - still not here, dang

RE: - too cheap???

i once owned an episode1 dvd like this (bought if off ebay) some asians probably just took the laserdisc, converted it from mpeg1 to mpeg2 (dvd format), left the DD5.1 track, made a few dvds off it and this company bought those and tries to sell them here. the video quality sucks, sound is OK if they didn`t screw up, menus are horrible, no extras or subs, and of course it`s plain illegal and i wouldn`t trust them.

RE: What`s up with Play247


thanx a lot for that info, very helpful!

RE: What`s up with Play247

i placed my pre-order for episode 1 (code 1) way back in june, i saw that it was in stock last monday so, my status was processing, it was posted on tuesday night (23:27), it hasn`t arrived yet (I live in germany and this is my first order so i don`t know how long it usually takes them to ship here) but i hope that it`s here tomorrow (monday)