Info and forum posts by 'Synth'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 6th October 2001, 14:09, Last used: Saturday, 6th October 2001, 14:09

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: The Italian Job

This is a film I have been waiting for too. list it but don`t give a release date.

RE: Godfather box set

Well I am happy with my box set. So far I have only watched parts 1 and 2.

Quality is fine. Some scenes are dark but that is just setting the mood of the scene. Yes Godfather 2 is on 2 discs but it is a long film so what do you expect.

Overall the Godfather series are great films, should be in everyones collection.

RE: Be very afraid.

To be really accurate it was the 1986 remake of `The Fly` by David Cronenberg

RE: Buying R2 DVDs from Australian Sites

I lived in New Zealand once, Australia and New Zealand are region 4. Many DVDs sold there are exactly the same as the region 2 discs, ie several languages. Some discs were dual 2 & 4 region, but not all.

So the decision to buy from Oz should be on a per disc basis. Have a look at this site will help.

RE: shrek r1 vs r2

Definitely region 1, see last post for reasons.
Why the region 2 version is feature challenged I have no idea.

RE: Austrailian DVDs ?

I bought many DVDs when I lived in New Zealand. Some of these are dual region 2 & 4, most are region 4 only.

It would be unwise to buy an Aussie/Kiwi disc if you can only play region 2. Your best option is to hack your existing player to make it play any region.

RE: Bridge On The River Kwai

Have a look at according to them R1 and R2 and the same. Are you comparing the 1 disc and 2 disc versions?


Terrific film, should be in everyone’s collection. It is the sort of film you can watch again and still spot things you didn’t see the last time round. The R1 2 disc version has games for kids and a few other extra’s so go for that.

What would you like to see in a Peter Seller`s Box Set?

After the rather dissapointing box set from Momentum Pictures, I thought I would start a thread where you could nominate your favourite Peter Seller`s films for another box set. Who knows if there is enough common ground someone may publish it. Please limit your list to no more than 5 films.

1. The Mouse That Roared
2. I`m All Right Jack
3. The Pink Panther
4. The Magic Christian
5. Dr. Strangelove

RE: Peter Sellers Box set!?

Peter Sellers must have been in hundreds of films. Is that the best they could come up with?

RE: Region 1 vs. Region 2

The film on a DVD only takes up part of the available space. The publishers tend to fill the rest of the space with what is usually termed extras. Region 2 covers Europe and the Middle East, so a publisher will often want to include non-English languages to widen the appeal. Region 1 is North America where English, Spanish and French cover almost all of the population.

After Spanish (and sometimes French) is added to a Region 1 DVD there is lots of room left for other extras like deleted scenes. There are so many languages spoken in the Region 2 area there is not enough space on a DVD. So the region 2 disc publisher has to limit the additional languages to have any extra film content (if any)

The bottom line is; if you want languages other than English and Spanish chose region 2. If you only require English read the reviews and see if there is any advantage to Region 1. Then there is price and availablilty but that has been covered in previous posts.

RE: Killer Klowns

Where did you get a DVD of Killer Klowns?

I remember seeing it when it first came out, long time ago now. I remember it being very funny, I would love to see it again.

Mammaries of Meyer

Back in May 2001 I ordered `Mammaries of Meyer` from, now they tell me they can`t find a copy. For those who don`t know `Mammaries of Meyer` is a collection of DVDs directed by the legendary director Russ Meyer.

Does anyone know where I can buy this box set, any region.

Thank you