Info and forum posts by 'Upya'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 29th September 2001, 17:04, Last used: Saturday, 29th September 2001, 17:04

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 22 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: For Sale: For Trade: Made in Britain

I have now found a review of this film here:

This dvd is an unwanted gift and is as new

Open to offers of trades and will reply to all posts.

I have also posted this trade at


For Sale: For Trade: Made in Britain

Region 2 dvd

Starring Tim Roth, Bill Stewart, Eric Richard & Sean Chapman

Will consider anything

First time trading, so please forgive me if I have done this wrong.


RE: Subwoofer bargain - £199 sub for £80 odd


Not sure if you have the same technics stereo as me but I am running a Wharfdale M5 dvd connected to the DD5.1 inputs on the back of my Technics SA-EH760.

I too was worried whether it was worth my while purchasing a subwoofer as the speakers for the technics stereo are tri-wired and gave very good bass already.

However when I managed to pick up an Eltax sub at a bargin price for my local technics/panasonic shop I couldn`t resist. I need not of worried, the sub has made all the difference, not only to watching movies, but also to listening to music/cd`s.

The sub gives an amazing realism when watching movies, its almost as if you can`t hear the sub but more feel it, myself and everyone who has watched a movie in my house all agree that a sub makes the whole experience more impressive.

So I would say go for it, although I can`t recommend the above Sub as I have no experience of it, I would definately say a Sub is worth the money, with my set up anyways.

Hope this may have helped, let us know what you decide.


This item was edited on Friday, 15th March 2002, 18:04

RE: Cheapest price for AI Region 2??

After reading this thread I ordered myself A.I from

This is the first time I have ordered from an Australian supplier and I got confirmation from them today saying they have shipped my order.

I went for the padded envelope and sleeve option and the total price of this dvd was $35.25 Australian.

I used to convert this into UK pounds and it came to £12.94.

I have just checked my credit card balance on Natwest online banking and I have been charged £15.07.

This may be a silly question but do UK banks (Natwest in particular) charge to pay suppliers in a foreign currency? As this is the first time I have purchased a dvd from a different country, I am a little confused.

Any help will be greatly received.


Buena Vista deals on ezydvd region 2 & 4????

Hi there,

Does anyone know if Armageddon, Gone in 60 seconds & The Rock on the 2 for $40 page of ezydvd ( are region 2 aswell as region 4??

I know that Conair & Face-off on this page are, but am unsure about the ones above.

Any help you can give me would be great.


RE: - 2 for £20

Does anyone know of a site where you can find out if dvd`s on sale from Australia sites (such as ezydvd) are dual encoded.

I have looked at and it doesn`t seem to tell you there.

I am very tempted to start buying from these Australian sites as they are much cheaper and have got very good reviews from people on this site re delivery times and stuff. I don`t want to get stuck with dvd`s I can not play on all my players though.

If anyone knows where I can find out what dvd`s are dual coded (R4 & R2), your help would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance

RE: Cyberhome 528 NTSC

I have a similar problem with my Wharfdale M5.

My problem is a little bit different though, I get a line moving across the set from right to left when the tv output is set to PAL on my m5. This problem is present with RGB, S-VHS and normal Composite Video.

I do not get this problem when the output is set to NTSC, but this setting makes the colours look to pink, I also do not get this problem when the output is set to PAL60, but on this setting when there is no dvd in the player and the startup screen is shown, the top of the screen wobbles, this is not at all noticeable when watching a dvd.

Is this a problem with my tv, perhaps the refresh rate (i have a 32" philips widescreen - 6005) or maybe a compatability issue between the dvd player and tv.

Anyone got any ideas?


RE: Past Eltax subwoofers?


Being very new to dvd players and the alike I really couldn`t comment on how well this will fit your set-up, also I am still waiting for my phono-phono leads to arrive from (I took your advice Clayts and went for the B-tech series from these guys) so can`t yet comment on the performance of the EASW20. As soon as my leads arrive I will give it a blast and let you know what I find, hopefully it won`t be to late for you.

This being a great forum I am sure you will get lots of reply`s from people much more knowledgable then me and hopefully this will help you make your decision.

Let me know what happens


RE: Past Eltax subwoofers?

Got the scan no probs, cheers mate.

My sub does differ from the A8 as the small port is beneath and the speaker is on the front, but I don`t image this makes any difference.

I shall try both methods of connecting the sub (1-via my amp, 2-via my m5) and see if there is any discernable difference.

The only think I am still not sure of is the phase switch which you switch to 0 or 180, the instructions you sent said that the phase can be turned 180 degrees and to try both settings for preferred sound. This leaves me still a little unclear on what phase is and what turning it 180 degrees actually does. Can anyone shed any light on this?

Also can anyone suggest any audio cd`s that may be good for me to test my sub out and find my prefered settings? I haven`t had my dvd player that long so only have a limited number of dvd`s (x-men being one that I thought may be good for this purpose), but I have a large selection of audio cd`s so thought this may be a better solution.

Cheers for all your help guys

RE: Past Eltax subwoofers?

That will be great thanx Clayts, trouble is I can`t remember if I entered an e-mail addy when I entered my details into this site.

If I haven`t let me know and I will figure out how to do it, I have looked at the change details part of this site but can`t find where to put your e-mail address so may need help (how hopeless am i?).

I have had a look at an A8 and the noticeable difference is at the rear the A8 has places to connect speakers but the easw20 doesn`t and the A8 has the speaker (not sure of the right terminology here) at the bottom and the hole (sure this has a proper name to) at the front, whereas the easw20 has the hole in the bottom and the speaker at the front.

Will this affect where I should place my sub?

Thanx for your help, I owe you so many pints already


RE: Past Eltax subwoofers?

Cheers for that Clayts, after reading your message I decided to phone Eltax to find out some info on the EASW20 as I couldn`t find any information about it on the net.

The geezer from Eltax told me the EASW20 is basically the A8 but they repackaged it to sell as the new Atomic range and now call it the A8.

Anyways I went and bought the sub today and got an even better bargin as they gave it to me for £40 because it didn`t have a power lead (which is exactly the same as a kettle lead or so I am led to believe).

All I have to do now is work out where it should go in my already packed room and find somewhere I can download instructions for it or the A8, have you any ideas where I may be able to find these?

Cheers mate

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th October 2001, 16:27

RE: Phono-phono audio leads

Cheers for that, I thought I was correct in thinking this but couldn`t get a straight answer from anyone I phoned today.

I have just found a website ( that sells IXOS 175AV 6 RCA to 6 RCA lead which has all 6 connects on one lead, unfortunately it is only 5 metres long and since you said I would be better off avoiding joining leads I have decided against it.

This site does sell 10 metre, premium phono to phono leads for £3.44 (excluding VAT) so I am thinking of purchasing these as I haven`t yet found a site that sells stereo phono to phono leads at this length for this cheap yet.

Can you tell me, will I be able to use the same lead to connect a Subwoofer to my hifi? There is a £6 delivery charge and I figure if I can use this same lead I might as well buy 7 leads now rather then order 6 now and 1 later and have to pay 2 lots of delivery charges.

Cheers once again for your help

Past Eltax subwoofers?

Does anyone know where I may find a list of subwoofers made by Eltax either now or in the past.

This may seem like a strange request, but I phoned my local Panasonic/Technics shop today to enquire about buying a Sub and they told me they have 1 ex-display model for sale at £50.

They said it was an Eltax, but were very vague about what model it was, I didn`t push for this as it was 5 mins before closing and thought it was nice of them to tell me about it in the first place.

The info I did get was that it is an Eltax, the geezer said it`s model number was eaws20 or something like that (although I did feel he was making this up as he was going along) and that he thought it was around 75 watts. He did say that it was one left over from Panasonic speaker packages they used to sell, and that they used to sell the sub for £160 (or was it £169, I forget), but as it was ex-display this one was £50.

Does anyone have any idea what Sub this is, I have looked around the net, but only seem to find the Atomic series and I don`t think that this is one of them as it is Silver and these all seem to come in black.

Also would you recommend an Eltax Sub, I haven`t really got an awful lot of money to spend on a sub and wasn`t sure if it was worth getting one or waiting a bit (although I am pretty desperate to complete my set-up).

Thanx for any advice you can give me on Eltax subs and my questions, any help will be great as I am seriously thinking about going into the shop first thing in the morning to buy this bargin (i hope!) before anyone else gets their hands on it, but really don`t want to be left with a lemon.


Phono-phono audio leads

Hi there,

I have a Wharfdale M5 dvd player and a technics hifi, my hifi is dolby surround but does allow for 6 channel discrete input. It does not have an optical or digital input but does have the same analogue connections on the rear as the M5 has on the back (L front, R front, centre, L rear, R rear, sub).

My question is that I have been looking for single phono-phono leads to connect my M5 to my hifi but they seem fairly hard to find and when I do they are much more expensive then the stereo phono-phono leads.

Am I right in thinking that stereo phono-phono leads are only really 2 mono ones fixed together and that when split they will be 2 mono phono-phono leads?

If I am right in thinking this will I be able to purchase and use stereo phono-phono leads to connect my m5 and hifi together without any problems?

Also I need fairly long lengths of phono-phono leads and they seem to mostly come in 5 metre lengths, I have seen connectors which join these leads together, when using these leads do you have any loss in quality and would you recommend using them?

Thanx for your help as always

Which Subwoofer for around £150 or under?

Hi there,

I have a wharfdale M5 (with built-in DD & DTS Decoders), I have this connected to my Technics amp and am very pleased with the overall results.

Problem is my Stereo didn`t come with a Subwoofer so I have to purchase one. My first question is will I be able to purchase a subwoofer for £150 or below, if so will it be any good?

If I can get a half decent one for the money I have to spend can anyone recommend a sub/retailer?

Many thanks for your help

RE: Ezy do it again!

On the site it says this offer doesn`t start until November 19th, does that mean that all you guys are preordering titles that will be shipped to you on the 19th??


Eclipse DVD695 ... Any trouble with RCE disks

Hi there,

My friend has just purchased one of these players from Richer Sounds and wants to purchase some DVD`s from Australia.

I know this player is multi-region but does it play RCE dvd`s ok?

If so is this through a loop-hole menu using a remote hack or by some other way?

Cheers for the help

RE: Simple question .. whats criterion?

Cheers for all the answers guys.

Gonna go check out their site right now.


Simple question .. whats criterion?

Heard this mentioned a few times on the forums.

Can anyone enlighten me?


Poor Quality Dvd, is it a VCD?

Hi there,

My friend brought a second hand dvd player today and borrowed 3 dvd`s off the bloke he brought it from.

One of these was `Planet of the Apes`, I know this disc isn`t available in the UK or the US yet, but I don`t know how to find out what region it is.

On the dvd case it says the subtitles are available in English, Chinese and Malay and it is in NTSC.

When I tried to play this disc on my player (Wharfdale M5) it seemed to play no matter what region I choose (I played around with this as I was intruiged to where it had come from and was trying to find out what region it was).

The picture quality was poor for a dvd and seemed to be fairly wavey, I am fairly new to dvd`s but am sure I read somewhere that VCD`s are sometimes sold in places like China and Japan as Dvd`s and are poor quality.

Do you think this disc is a VCD (I`m not even very sure what a VCD disc is mind) and thats why it played under any region?

Also is there a way of finding out what region a disc is when it is not written on the disc or the box itself (maybe using a computer program and your DVD-Rom or something)?

Thanks for any suggestions you can give

RE: Scart splitter question

I am by no means of an expert with anything electrical, but from what I have read recently I was under the impression that the scart lead did contribute to automatic signal switching as this was done through pin 8 which has to be wired up. I may be wrong, if so this shouldn`t be a problem as my television does automatically switch to AV1 when the sky is switched on.

I asked about the RGB because the splitters and such like that I have seen so far have quoted that their input 1 is RGB input 2 S-VHS and other inputs just composite.

Does anyone else know the answer to these questions, because as I said before I am only going on snippets I have read elsewhere.


Scart splitter question

Hi there,

I am looking for a scart product that will allow me to connect both my sky digital decoder and my dvd player to the AV1 scart socket on the back of my television.

I want this to allow RGB output for both the sky box and dvd player and for it to be self switching via the a signal when the sky box or dvd player is switched on.

Does anyone know if a product such as this exists and if so where I could purchase it from?

I did see a previous post that mentioned a product similar to this from but this product had to be switched manually from one input to the other and was not self switching via a signal. Also most of the other similar products I have found only have one RGB and the other inputs being S-VHS or composite.

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give me.
