Info and forum posts by 'GrannyGruntbucket'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 16th September 2001, 17:24, Last used: Sunday, 16th September 2001, 17:24

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Quality of region 1 on a dvd player

I have a 28 inch widescreen.


Quality of region 1 on a dvd player

I am new to dvd`s, and am awaiting delivery of a multiregion dvd player.
Can someone please answer a question?

If I play a region 1 dvd which is in NTSC, on my multiregion player, will the on screen quality be the same as watching a PAL dvd?

My tv is capable of handling NTSC.



RE: H&B DVD-5415S looking for macro dissable hack

Did you manage to find a hack?

I have just purchased one, and am waiting for delivery.


RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

Ok, Medion have replied to my question about the details on the dvd player bundled with the computer.

It is as follows.........

The device in question is an Ultima-Artec DVD player (model: - DHI-G40B F52043).

Now all I have to do is find some s/w to make it region free.

I have seen s/w to do this for this brand of dvd, but only for firmware 1.xx, and not above. The firmware on mine, and I assume everyone else`s is 3.something, (can`t remember)


RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

Any idea where I can get the multiregion hack for this dvd player?

I was one of the 20 lucky ones at my local store. I was there at 0520, the second person turned up at 0745, from 0810 there was a steady stream of people. I was first in, and got one of these p4 2ghz bargains.

Had to reinstall the s/w as many files were corrupt, but since then it has been running very well. I am very happy with it.
Their customer service is excellent, they will phone you at their expense and take the time to iron out any problems you may have, as I did.

If anyone reading this knows of a multiregion hack, please reply.



This item was edited on Sunday, 28th April 2002, 20:09

RE: Kenwood dvf 3050 any region

Did you manage to get a hack for this machine?
I have a friend who is desperate for the hack, so if you have had any luck, would you please pass on the info to me?


RE: Schneider DVD 855 Multi Region Hack???

Just got off the phone with SchneiderUK......

Last time I spoke to them , they said that they would have the hack on Friday night (last Friday). Now they are saying they will have it in about a week. Again, they said that there is 100% a hack.

Changing subject............

Has anyone noticed a problem with lip sync? My player seems to have this problem, where the voice does not quite match the movement of the mouth. I find this very annoying. Is this normal with dvd`s? Or do I have a duff machine?

This item was edited on Monday, 17th September 2001, 18:48

RE: asda dvd

I have been told that the "Pacific" is a badged version of a "Schneider".
You might try one of the hacks for the Schneider.

RE: Schneider DVD 855 Multi Region Hack???

No, those hacks do not work on the 855.

Both those hacks start with pressing the munu button with no dvd in the tray.

The 855 does not accept that without a dvd in the tray.

I have emailed schneider hq in Germany for this info, so far no reply.

I have also spoken to SchneiderUK about this and they have stated that there is definately a hack for the codes. they are awaiting them from Germany, they will then send them to me. If and when I get them I will post it here.

One thing does bother me.....When I asked them about the upgrade facility via a cd, they knew nothing about it. It clearly states that this is possible on the box, but yet there is nothing inside about it.

I also complained about the lack of contact details in the box, they just apologised. I only hope that the real reason is not because it is a rubbish player, and they don`t want us to contact them?

I also have found that in the manual, it states that the factory default pin for the parental control is "4412". This is incorrect, after some playing around I found that it was "0000".

Allthough I have played 4 dvd`s without any problems, 2 x mp3`s also without problems, I am not happy due to the above.