Info and forum posts by 'SC00T3R'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 14th August 2001, 22:00, Last used: Tuesday, 14th August 2001, 22:00

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This user has posted a total of 15 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Pacino/De Niro Ultimate Quiz

Ok here goes...

1. Sea of Love if memory serves me right.

2. Jackie Brown and Goodfellas

3, 4, 5 and 6. er... not a clue :o)

7. The Godfather trilogy (both), Dog Day Afternoon (pacino) and The Deer Hunter (de niro)

8. Heats all i`ve got for this one too.

9. I reckon 7 films and my order would be...

Taxi Driver
Mean Streets
Raging Bull
Cape Fear
King of Comedy

10. I`m gonna cop out and say this is a tie!.

New DVD show comes to BBC FOUR

Fans of classic cinema might be interested in checking out a new program lauching on BBC Four, the Beebs new arts channel.

The DVD Collection is a weekly show going out at 11.30pm Fridays, with a repeat on Saturday. Broadcast in widescreen the show aims to showcase collectable classics, starting on the 8th March with the work of Mike Leigh.

I`m not sure if this channel is available on ITV Digital, Cable etc... but it is included in the standard Sky package.

For more info see

RE: Where to buy Japanese animie DVDs?

Not sure about this site... the only Miyazaki titles I could see were Ocean Waves / On Your Mark (single dvd) and Conan The Boy in Future (3 disc set).

Neither Ocean Waves nor the On Your Mark music video are available in Japan yet and the Japanese Conan dvds don`t have English subs!?!

There was a 6 disc set doing the rounds on ebay a while back which contained bootlegs of most of the major Studio Ghibli releases to date:

disc 1 - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind / Only Yesterday
disc 2 - Whisper of the Heart / Princess Mononoke
disc 3 - My Neighbor Totoro / Pom Poko
disc 4 - Porco Rosso / Laputa: Castle in the Sky
disc 5 - Grave of the Fireflies / Kiki`s Delivery Service
disc 6 - Ocean Waves / On Your Mark it would appear that at least one of these is a bootleg unless anyone knows different.

I`d say you would be better off ordering directly from Japan... should have what you are after and don`t be put off by the language barrier as the site can be set to English :o)

Hope that helps

RE: Snow White

Not sure if these two have the same features, but I do know that all the previous Disney 2 disc editions (Tarzan etc) have had more extras on R1.

RE: Michael Caine Box Set

Blackstar have it listed as containing the Ipcress File, Educating Rita, The Eagle Has Landed and Without A Clue.

Go here for their full details on it:

RE: How many do you have?

Been collecting DVD for going on 3 1/2 years now and just reached 281 discs. Most are R1 with about 40 R2 titles.

RE: HMV- Free Final Fantasy extra`s dvd - Have you had yours?

Maybe i`m biased - as I did actually manage to get a copy of this disc, but aren`t you all being a little unfair on HMV.

This was a competition after all (their email address kinda gave that away) and you wouldn`t expect anybody else to give out prizes to everyone who entered would you?

HMV are by no means perfect and I`d be the first to admit that they haven`t got the best track record regarding promotions etc. I just think this time you are being a little harsh.

RE: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Deluxe Edition 2 Disc Set - Advice Please!

Isn`t the free DVD offer at only available for people in the US and Canada?


RE: Bullet in the Head ....

No problem, glad to help...

R0 discs will still work fine if you decide to have your player chipped.

All the discs on the site are legit versions and yes I have bought from them myself. The service was very good and I seem to remember them taking about 4-5 days to arrive!

As for the quality, this varies a lot from disc to disc. Most Hong Kong DVDs tend not to be anamorphic and some suffer quite badly from grain. Its not all bad news though as the majority are pretty decent, certainly watchable and with clear subtitles.

RE: Bullet in the Head ....

The DDDHouse site is a bit of a maze to navigate around but is worth it for some great discs at cheap prices.

Anyway go into the `Chinese / Hong Kong` section and scroll down past the new releases to find Bullet in the Head.

The DVD itself is R0 NTSC format which will play back on an unmodified UK machine. The only thing to check is if your TV is compatible with an NTSC signal. Most TVs by the major manufacturers have been supporting this for about the past 10 years.

This can be a bit hit and miss at times though, so if you can borrow a disc from a friend it might be worth trying that first.

RE: Bullet in the Head ....

Haven`t seen this one around on R2... but you can get a copy of the R0 Hong Kong version from

This title is one of the more expensive ones on their site and works out at about £11.50 if i`ve got my sums right!

Hope this helps.

RE: Cities Of Gold

That was a great series... with a superb opening theme too.

But did anyone actually see the final episode? I remember watching it for weeks and weeks but never saw the end!

Maybe it`s still running on some distant TV channel somewhere :o)

RE: what dvds is everyone looking to buy in the next few months

Its gonna be an expensive couple of months! There are some great titles due out, including some i`ve been waiting years to see on dvd:

French Connection
The Godfather Collection
Phantom Menace
Simpsons (season 1)
Cape Fear
Snow White Special Edition (2 disc)

RE: Off Topic - Gameboy Advance

Check out Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 for the GBA you won`t be disappointed!

They have managed to pack just about everything from the Play Station version in there and even got around the fact that the original version was in 3D... nice :o)

Final Fight is also worth a look (import only at the moment) for an arcade perfect version of this classic beat-em up.

RE: MI 1 & MI 2 for £9

No question these are bootlegs. They also have the original Star Wars trilogy available and even list that the discs have been digitally transfered from LD!