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Popply Quick Pictures are a small team of filmmakers formed to compete in the Sci-Fi 48hr Film Festival 2011. The competition has been called 'the biggest film competition ever', with over 180 entries. The resulting film that the team produced - "2 Years of Summer" was shortlisted for the final 10, received many plaudits, and is now touring the short film festival circuit.

The team members include:

Ben Franklin - Experienced Post-Production manager and creative in one of the country's largest corporate production companies.

Jonny Franklin - Multi-skilled and highly regarded DOP/Cameraman/Gaffer, who also manages the operations in 4 London based studios.

Anthony Melton - A graphics and effects artist with many loyal clients, who also specialises in high end web design.

Ben Kent - A forward thinking Director/Camera Op/Editor with a large scope of varied top quality work behind him.

Alex Purcell - High end 2D and 3D graphics artist, with an outstanding variety of work for major TV networks.

Between the team they have worked for/with hundreds of major corporates, TV stations, high profile actors and also on notable feature film productions (Nanny McPhee: The Big Bang, The Bourne Ultimatum).

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