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Retailer Reviews Forum

Techtronics Opinions

APP (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 8th April 2002, 00:40

I was thinking about buying a Multiregion JVC TH-A5R from Techtronics and decided to have a look here for any thoughts on them as a retailer.
Mostly it seems that they haven`t got a good track record. Is this still the case? Has anyone got any positives about them or is there anyone else you would reccommend to make this purchase from?

RE: Techtronics Opinions

Dermot Ologist (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 8th April 2002, 20:10

Myself and a couple of mates bought our players from here. Only problem my mate had was that they charged his credit card incorrectly (but credited it again almost straight away - £2480 insted of £248!!!)

Other than that all`s well so far - touch wood.

RE: Techtronics Opinions

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th April 2002, 20:48

I ordered a dvd, vcr and a tv from them about 6 months ago. The DVD came in less then 2 weeks. The tv and vcr still hadn`t arrived 9 weeks after I ordered. In the end I just cancelled the order.

It`s the chance you take though when you order online!

RE: Techtronics Opinions

fish! (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 8th April 2002, 23:24

no one else seems to sell it but Techtronics.

RE: Techtronics Opinions

rockysafc (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th April 2002, 03:09

I ordered my LG from them last year and recieved it after a week. Sme people did recieve very bad service from them, guess i was lucky.

RE: Techtronics Opinions

Chris W (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 11th April 2002, 09:26

The JVC is flagged as out of stock anyway (due end of April it says).

RE: Techtronics Opinions

APP (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 13th April 2002, 22:03

I think I`ll wait till they`ve got them in stock then at least I know the delivery should be fairly quick.

RE: Techtronics Opinions

Chris Cunningham (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 18th April 2002, 08:33

Ah techtronics

Let me sum this one up for you.

Great sales but rubbish support once the deal is done.

I bought a Tosh 210e DVD player from them pre-modified. After using it a while I noticed it skipping on lots of films which while not critical was annoying and I wanted it replaced. I emailed them and a week later they replied and arranged a pickup.
They took my details and then promptly sent down a courier the same day while I was at work therefore I had no time to pack it up.
This was a day earlier than we just agreed on the phone.

So far not so good. The pickup was rearranged and they received my DVD drive on the 13th March. They promptly did nothing at all. I had to chase them constantly for FOUR weeks before they sent a replacement. That is absolutely rubbish service and worse because the only reason they did it that quickly is because I hounded them after 2 weeks.

When I originally sent the drive they said it would take 1 week maximum not 4. Nor did they apologise for the delay or infact say anything at all. I get the impression that 4 week delays after promising 1 week is the norm at techtronics.

The player they send me does appear to work fine so no moans there, but to get it I had to wait a total of 5 weeks before it was in my hands. That was the week delay to answer the email and the 4 weeks I had no player.
All I can say is everything I saw on the forums about them is true and I shall think again before ordering from them in the future.

Hope this helps...


RE: Techtronics Opinions

malcy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 24th April 2002, 16:57

What they provide is excellent.I wanted a Sony fully chipped with manual + auto region setting and macro disabled. They offered this at a very competitive price and quick delivery when most retailers now only offer the handset auto fix.
I was prepared to take the risk to get what I wanted, however do take note that if something goes wrong service appears to be dreadful, and there are repeated comments about this on all the dvd forums.

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