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Retailer Reviews Forum

Has anyone used

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st February 2002, 00:55

Has anyone had DVD`s from this retailer? If so, are they recommended?


RE: Has anyone used

cjrushbrook (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st February 2002, 14:08

Hey again Ascomdog,

Just to let you know I bought from them after reading about them on a site called (not a bad site for reviews either). They are highly praised on the site and are rated one of the best European suppliers (but I`m not sure by whom). I think I`ve also seen references to them on

Transaction was very quick but slightly complicated as you place an order on an online order form, they then contact you by email and ask how you would like to pay, and I ended up faxing them my card details. Worked alright though and got the discs within a week. They also offer an ingenious way of avoiding customs seizure, although it`s not guaranteed.

Hope this helps,


RE: Has anyone used

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st February 2002, 15:00

Thanks CJ, you`ve been a big help.


RE: Has anyone used

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 2nd February 2002, 16:43

Hello CJ, just a quick question.

I have received my confirmation of order via e-mail from chainsaw. It refers to the bit about avoiding customs. Did you chooss this option, if so do you not get the box, or does that come later?



RE: Has anyone used

cjrushbrook (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 4th February 2002, 09:20


sorry, haven`t been on the web over the weekend. I decided to trust Han`s advice about avoiding customs and it came through fine for me. You don`t get the box, just the discs and the sleeve (if you`re duying DOTD you also don`t get the little booklet as apparrently the new batches he`s getting in don`t have them anymore). Packaging is very good and the cost of a DVD keep-case isn`t that big.

Having said that I`ve imported lots of stuff from abroad (in their boxes) that could have been siezed and nothing ever has been, although someone once muttered that stuff from Holland is often more likely to get checked.

Hope this helps,


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