Page 1 of DVDImport - Ordering system (probably just me being stupid)

Retailer Reviews Forum

DVDImport - Ordering system (probably just me being stupid)

Evil Disco Guy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 30th November 2001, 21:59

Is it me being dumb or is there something wrong with DVDImport`s ordering system? I had 4 DVD`s in the cart and I went to checkout, chose my shipping, entered my details and confirmed. Then it took me to the shipping screen which led to the details screen which led to the details screen with the items still in my cart... Is it me or am I going round in circles? I didn`t want to order again so I checked my account and saw no orders placed, no sign of anything.

So after deciding to try again I went through the same process, with the same ending. Still nothing... If anyone knows if I`m being an idiot and now have 2 (maybe 3) of the same order then I`d like to know before I try again.

Lee Jackson

This item was edited on Friday, 30th November 2001, 22:01

RE: DVDImport - Ordering system (probably just me being stupid)

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Monday, 3rd December 2001, 11:17

You should get a confirmation email when an order completes.

RE: DVDImport - Ordering system (probably just me being stupid)

Evil Disco Guy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 3rd December 2001, 23:22

Well I don`t seem to have a confirmation email... I emailed them but no reply yet and I don`t want to phone Canda for sure.

RE: DVDImport - Ordering system (probably just me being stupid)

jubbly (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 4th December 2001, 09:53

I tried to order from these chaps once & got exactly the same problem, so I tried to order it again straight away & yep same problem. So gave up & went to DVD BO instead.

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