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Retailer Reviews Forum

Testing online multiregion sellers

merlin28 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th November 2001, 14:17

Over the last couple of days I have been searching for the best deal, the most informative website, their response to questions.

webelectricals was my first I asked what kind of mod do they use. Answer a load of rubbish about why there are regions. So, didn`t answer my question minus points to them.

Techtronics replied very promptly and answered my delivery and VAT question. Though I have read in other threads that some people have not been happy with their service. Sent them another question, not hopeful.

dvdmagic - asked a simple question answered immediately and told to ring them - cheek. Question was what is the difference between the E on the end of model numbers?

Whilst reading the reviews came across multiregionmagic, nice site, and best of all located in Peterborough (up the road from me). Sent them a question, answered immediately. Went up Friday purchased multiregion DVD get 3 free DVDs to boot. Brilliant service from a small retailer.

This item was edited on Saturday, 17th November 2001, 15:30

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