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Retailer Reviews Forum

DVD CONCEPT have ripped me off apparently...

nesbitt (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 20th May 2001, 01:29

I pre-ordered `The dead hate the living` for £9.99 about 2 weeks before its release date,they said it would be sent 24 hours after its realease on 24/4/01 it didnt arrive I sent an e-mail which they took over a week to reply to and heres a copy of their reply


Sorry for the delay in replying. I will get back to you sometime today once I get a response from our fulfilment centre.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,
Ross Swan

...this was on the 11/5/01 and no reply since,they can quickly take my money out(which they have done) but are not too quick in despatching the goods I even wish theyd send me an e-mail saying aha you tosser weve stolen your money at least Id know for sure whats going on...

This item was edited on Sunday, 20th May 2001, 01:30

RE: DVD CONCEPT have ripped me off apparently...

postie31 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 21:35

they did the same to me mate ..i ordered a dvd on the 7/4/01 they took my money on the same day ..i recieved my film today they kept fobbing me off with emails i wont be gettin anything from them again..a month an half to recieve a movie they had in stock..bollocks

RE: DVD CONCEPT have ripped me off apparently...

nesbitt (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 22:19

They`ve sent me an email saying the order is cancelled and the money has been refunded back to my account because the Movie in question is now deleted...but wait...the movie is still on their site but now at a more expensive price than when I originally that to make me buy it at the now more price,but how can I when they say it`s been deleted,surely they cant cancel my order for a deleted DVD when its not actually deleted but would now cost me more.

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