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Retailer Reviews Forum

Comet - What a joke!

Paull (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 6th July 2004, 08:04

Firstly I`m not sure where to post this but I think people should read as a warning. Last Wednesday my printer gave up the ghost. I had urgent work to do & needed a printer fast. It came down to either The Epson E200 / E300 or a Canon. One of the cheapest online was Comet. They would not let me buy at the online price at their shops (Fair enough) so I decided to wait until the Tuesday (today) for delivery. The E200 was £85-00 the E300 was £99-00. These were online prices including delivery. I ordered the E200 .Several people said that I would be better to go for the E300. So I phoned Comet up & changed it to the E300. Today (Tuesday) I have 2 letters from Comet stating the printer at £!29-99. I contacted Comet who said that it would take 4/5 days to confirm if the price was correct or not. As I said I was desperate for a printer, now my choice is to accept the printer & perhaps pay £129-99 or leave it unopened until Comet decide the price.As they would not correct the price today I cancelled the order. They tiold me not to accept the printer when it arrived & it would be sent back & they would refund my money. I put into Google today Epson E300 printer & up comes £99-99 inc delivery...... from Comet. The service is poor & I won`t go there again.

RE: Comet - What a joke!

Paull (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 6th July 2004, 10:45

Since the above post, the guy who took the order has phoned me back. He said the guy who I spoke to was wrong. He said he knew the price & it would be at the £99-00. He also said any difference`s in price could be looked up instantly. I went onto the Comet site at 830am & the price was £129-99 then again at 11-00am & there is a new price of £109-00. However in the meantime whilst looking for another place to buy I looked at reviews of printers again & came up with the Canon i865. After debating I have decided to go with the Canon at £126-00 inc next day deliovery from They had a lot of good reviews for there service. It seems one bad customer service person has cost Comet a sale. Full marks to the guy who originally sold it to me for contacting me over the matter. The E300 will arive tomorrow at which time I either take it in at £99-00 or refuse it at no cost to myself.

RE: Comet - What a joke!

Little Davel (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th July 2004, 06:49

We had a bad experience with Comet. Purchased a Hoover washing Machine wih this Free Mountain Bike Offer. It was delivered late and the guys who brought it (Laurel and Hardy) did not have sufficient tools and i had to borrow from a neighbour. One needed first aid and the other kept being interupted by irate customers on his mobile. We were told info about the bike was in the washing machine instructs pack and wasn`t etc etc.... not impressed with Comet !

RE: Comet - What a joke!

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th July 2004, 23:35

I bought my PC from them a couple of months ago and had nothing but decent service.........

"When my people were writing philosophy, your people were still swinging from trees..."

RE: Comet - What a joke!

Furkin (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 11th July 2004, 13:08

I lost all faith in Comet in the past few years.
I used to use them quite a bit in my business, to get peripherals for my customers,,,, but their service went downhill fast.
I thought that when they changed `mother` Company, that it might get better,,, but so far,, in my opinion, it hasn`t.
Thier `returns` or `faulty goods` service is bordering on the obscene,,, when they say that "at their discretion, they can mess about with your bought & paid for item for up to three times,,,, then they can exchange a faulty item, with another product, not necessarily NEW".
It is another of the growing examples of, they just arn`t bothered if you shop with them or not !
We don`t !

RE: Comet - What a joke!

kickback123 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2004, 18:39

hate to stick up for comet on this one but they will give u a new product if they do say is uneconomical to repair. but the three faults bit is pain and hav u tried to get service with out a serial number?(plus they say it takes 28 days to repair! :o )

just kickingback......

RE: Comet - What a joke!

readmenow (Competent) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2004, 19:08

I had a sweet and sour experience with Comet online a while ago where my online order was cancelled via email 5 hours after I got my order confirmation. Without a phone call the next day I rang them to complain about not only the cancellation but about the lack of customer service. Just because I ordered something online to get a discount it doesn`t mean that I will put up with shoddy customer service. It`s clever cost cutting really, send an email for a fraction of a penny rather than make a call at significantly more and wait for the response! The email gave me no option but to call, had my card been debited? I didn`t have a clue.

Anyhow it turns out that they are more clueless than I thought. They gave me the option of delivering a product to store for me to pick up. When I pressed them to tell me why I could get it delivered to store but not to my home they admitted that they had no stock but my local store did. When I asked for an order number they told me my original web order was valid and just to take a print out to store.

So off to store and after an argument at the checkout over 1. the price (web offer not accepted in store) 2. the reserved nature of stock (no details of my order) I was told that as a sign of `good faith` they would complete my order as agreed with the web site (nice). So after a further 30 mins waiting for the warehouse guy to find the product I was given the item without a receipt and without signing anything.

Imagine my surprise when I got home and found that the product I received was a version which cost 3 times the value of the £100 item I ordered. I never received a receipt although my account was debited with £100 and the product has a manufacturers warranty so I didn`t care.

In my opinion Comet are OK in store generally but their phone / internet service leaves a lot to be desired.

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