Page 1 of Customs

Retailer Reviews Forum


DP (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2003, 08:03

What is DVDSoon`s record like for customs charges ? Don`t want to get caught with tax on the Alien set.


RE: Customs

Graham Patrick (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2003, 10:26

i`ve just started using them, so i don`t know this for definite yet....but i`e heard that they mark everything with a value of 12 dollars (or somewhere around there), so that there`s less chance of you getting hit.

RE: Customs

WillowPAW (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 16:17

Had `Chasing Amy` arrive today from DVDSoon, as a second part of an order (having been out of stock before) if I remember right it was $9.99 Canadian Dollars (about £4.50!?!) The package was still marked up as $12, but there is a `Royal Mail Mount Pleasant Primary Customs Cleared` stamp on package!?!?!
Now, I`ve had Lion King Collectors Box Set, and Bottom Box Set recently without any customs interference (packages marked up at $12). Does this suggest Customs have wised up to DVDSoon????????????

This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 16:23

RE: Customs

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 19:46


it varies - some of my stuff is stamped, other things are not. its weird - they will stamp a single dvd, yet let thru a boxset with no stamps.

go fig.

RE: Customs

MMC (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th October 2003, 19:15

Just out of interest did any of your orders come with half French/ half English packaging?


RE: Customs

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th October 2003, 19:58


yeah its canuck law:

As of March 1st 2002, to comply with Canadian law, studios must release some of their DVDs with a French cover. This whole issue is pretty complex and is still being sorted out by the studios. To comply, they have released different products than those available in the United States.

click the link and you can read all about it (or should i say `abowt` since its a canuck thing?)

hope this helps!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 29th October 2003, 19:59

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