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PCs & Mobiles Forum
Hi all
I wonder if any can help.
I have been told by a collegue that there are free newsgroups that you can sign onto to download files from, with really fast speeds. I have seen some pay for acess groups, but have been informed that some ISP`s provide free ones. I am currently with Tiscali. Can anyone shed some light on this please?
Thanks in advance.
Don`t think Tiscali provide free access for the groups you would need (well I`m on Tiscali and couldn`t get on them anyway)
My DVD collection
Oh right :( Thats a bit of a shame.
Thanks for the swift reply 1mills
If you`re in a cable area and not under contract with Tiscali, then cable provides reasonable (ie I need to verify/repair files but it`s very rare that they are unrepairable) usenet access included with all broadband packages. ~*~
Thanks for the info, but out of 12 appartments in our block, main is the only one that hasn`t been connected to NTL. When the building was built, they forget to put the link from the manhole to my socket - the lovely people!!!