Page 1 of AOL Now Have A Fair Use Policy!!

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AOL Now Have A Fair Use Policy!!

Ailegs (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd March 2007, 22:39

So after spending 45 mins on hold and taliking to a monkey from another country who insisted I do a normal startup (even after I ask exactly what he wanted me to tick instead) I have now been informed 55mins into my call that AOL have put a FUP on my account as I have abused it. There was no email or letter OR even a warning. I am well peeved off to say the least as I can`t have a cable connection. My speed should have been 2mb but I only ever got 1mb (which I will sort out on the 1st) even though I know my line is capable of more than 2mb. So it`s gone from 1mb to 340kbs. >:( I asked what the cap was and the fella informed me it was 60gb. (I estimate I have used 30gb inc uploads) Apparently this was all since the CPW took over. Might aswell get the same service from sky for free. I was gonna get some US MS points to download HD movies which I can`t do!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Rant over.

Moral of the story is, why pay for the exact same service from AOL (with restrictions NOW) when Sky will do it for free!? :/

Is that the time? Damn you Xbox 360!!!!

RE: AOL Now Have A Fair Use Policy!!

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 22nd March 2007, 22:46

Sky have their own restrictions and limits, but I think their top pack doodah is an unlimited service.
AOLs FUP kicked in when CPW took over the connection arm, and there`s a few AOL peeps doing their danders over it. Oddly enough I haven`t found any speed caps on my line but then I`m on Platinum and recently been upped to 6 Meg.

Seems to only be at specific times at night, also seems from things I`ve heard that sometimes the helpline staff give out the FUP advice/reason sometimes innacurately.
You aint alone in thinking of moving, but one thing did strike me as common on any I`ve heard complaining of a cap so far....almost all of them leave the connection on 24hrs on a regular basis even if they aren`t DLing anything, and the FUP does says summat about that being "unfair" usage.

Check your speed on the tester and use the London node and if it stays capped gimme a shout and I`ll see if it`s a common problem from some peeps I know ;)

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: AOL Now Have A Fair Use Policy!!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 22nd March 2007, 22:53

So if the cap is 60gb, and you`ve used 30gb, how come you`re in the leper colony? :/

Check the cap/"Fair Use" on Sky before you jump ship!

Get Net Meter to monitor your usage: ~*~

RE: AOL Now Have A Fair Use Policy!!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2007, 01:02

Check the cap/"Fair Use" on Sky before you jump ship!

on the 10 meg service it`s 40gig per month,

Forever <M.A.D>

RE: AOL Now Have A Fair Use Policy!!

GyneBob (Competent) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2007, 13:40

Been on AOL a while now, and have only just noticed recently that if i try to download after 6pm ish my speed goes way down, i usually try to keep my download times to thru the night or in the mornings and early afternoon, these seem to be the optimal times.
Personally I don`t think i have ever got the speeds they brag about giving you, but i don`t think i am the only one with this problem and it`s not just an issue with AOL. :/

RE: AOL Now Have A Fair Use Policy!!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2007, 14:11

after 6pm ish my speed goes way down,

tbh, i don`t think current adsl technology will cure this problem, as it`s almost certainly happening because of the contention ratio, basicaly, you "share" your line with X amount of other users, if everyones online at once the overall speed is effected reletive to the amount of people on "your" line (or exchange) this is a limitation in the physical hardware that governs adsl, & as more & more people take up broadband the situation for adsl customers will only get worse i`m afraid :(

think of dsl (cable BB) as one fat pipe, connected to a single junction, this means if you have a 10 meg connection, you get 10 meg (barring line faults etc)

think of adsl (BB via phone line) as one fat pipe with 30 cables running through it, if your the only person using your part of the cable, you "should" get optimal speed, depending on the physical distance between you & the local exchange, but as other people on the same pipe come online, your ratio begins to drop, if everyones just web browsing, it`s probably no big deal. but for downloaders, it can be big trouble.

imagine if we where neighbours, & we both had adsl, i on my own could easily account for the whole contention ratio of one "pipe" (metaphorically speaking ;) )

at work we have a BT business BB service, but anytime after 4pm, it`s practicaly useless :/

Forever <M.A.D>

RE: AOL Now Have A Fair Use Policy!!

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2007, 14:54

think of dsl (cable BB) as one fat pipe, connected to a single junction, this means if you have a 10 meg connection, you get 10 meg (barring line faults etc)

DSL has nowt to do with cable, it`s a type of Digital Subsciber Loop/Line. You`re thinking of SDSL, which has a symmetric upload and download speed (as opposed to the more common asymmetric of ADSL). Also with cable you still have to compete with everyone else in your area for bandwidth, so you can still experience slowdown.

RE: AOL Now Have A Fair Use Policy!!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2007, 15:18

so you can still experience slowdown.

which is odd, because i never, ever do. tho my neighbour who has bt broadband (the one that comes with the phone & base-station) has all the same problems as our works connection......

yet i can grab 1.1/1.2mbps anytime of day or night.

Forever <M.A.D>

RE: AOL Now Have A Fair Use Policy!!

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2007, 16:04

Depends on how many people near you have the service etc. I get some slowdown at peak times, but it depends. Also, many sites can`t serve at the full 1.2Mbps, but using a d/l accelerator helps a lot. On a well-seeded torrent I can get full seed, but there aren`t too many of those for the stuff I`m d/l...

RE: AOL Now Have A Fair Use Policy!!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2007, 19:03

but it depends. Also, many sites can`t serve at the full 1.2Mbps,

oh absolutely, if the site your on can`t chuck the speed down you just don`t get it.

Forever <M.A.D>

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