Page 1 of Wireless connection dropping - Update

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Wireless connection dropping - Update

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2006, 13:33

Hi all

I have a Netgear WGR614 v6 wireless router connected to my 4mb Telewest cable connection, my PC connects to it via a Netgear wireless card and my laptop is a Samsung R50 with a built in wireless card. My PC and laptop both run Windows XP SP 2 with Symantec Anti Virus and Windows Firewall.

At least a couple of times a week my wireless connection to the router from my laptop and PC simultaneously die. The router has the latest firmware, uses 64 bit WEP, does not broadcast its SSID and is limited as to what devices are permitted to attach to it.

The problem must be with the router as it affects both my laptop and PC so it can`t be the network cards. After I reset the router the connection comes back up without a problem.

I have checked Netgear`s site and have updated the firmware and positioned it as they suggest but to no avail. A couple of my mates have this set up and do not have a problem.

Can anyone suggest anything?



This item was edited on Friday, 1st September 2006, 19:42

RE: Wireless connection dropping

timechaser (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2006, 13:35

I had similar problems earlier with using the USB wireless dongle. On the netgear side, I found that if you set the RIP to dual (or both), it doesnt drop as much, and this works for me. I havent had a connection drop since january.

Dont ask me why/what as I dont understand. I just did what I was told to ;)


"I am worst at what I do the best, for this gift I feel blessed. I found it hard... it was hard to find. Oh well, Whatever! NEVERMIND"

RE: Wireless connection dropping

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2006, 14:21

This seems to happen with my belkin router too as soon as there is any change in connection state. If the phone line goes off for a few seconds (while the wife is plugging in the emergency phone when the cordless is dead) or when one PC changes IP address or something.

It just loses the connection. Like you I havent really found a workaround, just do a power cycle when it happens.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Wireless connection dropping

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2006, 16:14

Timechaser, what`s this RIP thingy?

NTG, my ISP assigns its users static IPs so I don`t think it could be the change of IP address. It may be if my internet connection drops for a second or two? It might not be enough for anything other than the router to notice.

A friend of mine suggested changing the channel that my router is using but I have checked the help files and can`t find any mention of this anywhere.

Maybe it`s just Windows XP`s SP2 new built in wireless software that is just a bit flakier than the Netgear one I used in SP1?



RE: Wireless connection dropping

timechaser (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2006, 16:51

FM - I am using Windows XP SP2 on my lappie and using a NetGear DG834 wireless modem/router. My connection works absolutely fine.

I *dont* know what RIP is so cant tell you that. It is hidden somewhere in the modem configuration - if you try to look through the manual, you can find it. Bi-directional RIP apparently stabilises the connection, at least it did for me. Try finding it?

If you cant, will look at my router tomorrow and tell you...


"I am worst at what I do the best, for this gift I feel blessed. I found it hard... it was hard to find. Oh well, Whatever! NEVERMIND"

RE: Wireless connection dropping

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2006, 18:14


i have exactly the same router as you do....your public IP is assigned
dynamically on a lease basis, so unless you pay extra to have your IP
assigned by static means, then it will change periodically.

just out of curiosity, in the routers web config under advanced>WAN setup, do you
have the box entitled "connect automatically, as required" checked? if not, check the
box and apply/reboot the router.

TC has mentioned RIP settings...these needn`t be altered, but seeing as it has apparently
worked on his router, you could try it too...go into the router config again and under
advanced>LAN IP setup, you will see the drop down boxes to make the changes.

as for changing the wireless channel, this is easily done..simply go into the first
option for wireless at the top left of the router config and change the channel to another
value...mines set at 6 due to a couple of "new" wireless networks springing up around
here recently which must be using channel 11 (as mine was previously).

you should also change the value that your wireless adaptor is using on you pc/laptop
to the same channel as the router.

i use XP Pro/SP2 with windows own wireless configuration and have no problems
whatsoever...infact, i`ve found windows own utility better than most supplied wifi
software for ease of use and stability.

Ste. that gasoline i smell?

RE: Wireless connection dropping

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2006, 18:52

Thanks for your help everyone. I think I was looking too hard for some of the options in the admin page, can`t believe I missed the channel part!

just out of curiosity, in the routers web config under advanced>WAN setup, do you
have the box entitled "connect automatically, as required" checked? if not, check the
box and apply/reboot the router.

This was set.

TC has mentioned RIP settings...these needn`t be altered, but seeing as it has apparently
worked on his router, you could try it too...go into the router config again and under
advanced>LAN IP setup, you will see the drop down boxes to make the changes.

Set this to `both` and RIP 1.

as for changing the wireless channel, this is easily done..simply go into the first
option for wireless at the top left of the router config and change the channel to another
value...mines set at 6 due to a couple of "new" wireless networks springing up around
here recently which must be using channel 11 (as mine was previously).

Changed to channel 6.

Thanks again, I will keep you all informed.


RE: Wireless connection dropping

dbs71 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 30th August 2006, 19:54

RE: Wireless connection dropping

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 31st August 2006, 16:37

Thanks guys.


RE: Wireless connection dropping

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 18:43

Just did it again :(


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