Page 1 of TMPGEnc DVD Author help

PCs & Mobiles Forum

TMPGEnc DVD Author help

GJF (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th July 2006, 14:46

I have been using this programme version for about a year with no problems. I use it to convert my RAM recordings made on my Panny to a DVD. Recently while copying the DVD video data I have noticed it sometimes cuts off before the whole of the blue segment bar display has shown that the whole of the recording has been copied. When I play the DVD in my panny only the part that has been copied is there. The whole of the RAM disc plays ok on my panny. I have also noticed that when creating a menu the clip where you pick out the thumb nail contains the whole recording rather than the first few minutes
It doesn`t do it every time and it happens on different RAM disc`s. Can anyone help?

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