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PCs & Mobiles Forum

EMERGENCY!! I can`t log on to my username in XP*

Westy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd July 2006, 20:03

Guys, some help please if you can ;)

I installed Aston shell, and having found it doesn`y really work too good, (despite being very good), i though i`d get rid.

However, whenever i go to log onto my user account, (from the `select user` after XP start up), it says the usual `applying account settings`, then it just goes to a blank screen and never loads up! I `m tearing my hair out as my girlfriend can log on and so can the kids - and there`s some stuff on there i really need, (yes, i know i can search the C Drive and access it there - but it`s proving to be a pain everytime, plus i can`t access my emails! ARRRRRRRGH >:(

Somebody please help, i`ve run a registry and virus check and also Spybot andf nothing is helping. I was getting annoyed, so thought somebody may be able to help a Westy in need :)

Cheers in advance!


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Please, call me Dave...

RE: EMERGENCY!! I can`t log on to my username in XP*

SHEPPY124 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 22nd July 2006, 20:34

Not sure how, But if one of the other accounts is an administrator account you should be able to have a look and change the logons through one of them, will have to do a search for it. Also if you have the original xp disk you can repair xp and it keeps the original files, though I think you will have to reset up the user logons. Have done this in the past when upgrading the motherboard and keeping the same hard drive, Not much help afraid but something to have a search on.


RE: EMERGENCY!! I can`t log on to my username in XP*

dbs71 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 22nd July 2006, 22:00


Log in as an administrator.
Create a new user eg. Westy2 with same rights as your old account.
Unhide hidden / system files & folders.
Browse the drive to your old user profile folder, usually \Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\.
Open a new explorer window and repeat process above to your new user profile folder.
Copy all files and folders from old profile to new.




This item was edited on Sunday, 23rd July 2006, 00:18

RE: EMERGENCY!! I can`t log on to my username in XP*

Westy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th July 2006, 08:47

Spot on my friend :)

Worked a charm! Just my Outlook to import now and i`m done.

Cheers all


ytseW[at]reweiveR/DaveKDneon.gif">ytseW[at]reweiveR/DaveKDneon.gif" class="forumImage" />
Please, call me Dave...

RE: EMERGENCY!! I can`t log on to my username in XP*

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 25th July 2006, 09:19 it Outlook Express, or MS Outlook?

If Outlook Express, the files are all stored within the original profile...from memory...
C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Identities\{some long number}\Outlook Express
Should be a load of *.dbx files, these are basically your emails.

MS Outlook I don`t know too much about!


RE: EMERGENCY!! I can`t log on to my username in XP*

dbs71 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 25th July 2006, 20:12

Glad to help Westy,

If it is Outlook you use, search your system for *.pst files.

This article should help,

In particular, "How to import .pst file data into Outlook"



This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th July 2006, 21:14

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