Page 1 of How Do You Get MSN Hotmail Plus?

PCs & Mobiles Forum

How Do You Get MSN Hotmail Plus?

butters (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th June 2006, 21:37

I know it sounds dumb but how do you sign up? Whenever I go to the sign up page the `Get It Now` button is unclickable! I tried the US website to pay in dollars but they want credit card details so I can`t complete it without a US address, any ideas?

Thanks in advance

RE: How Do You Get MSN Hotmail Plus?

dbs71 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th June 2006, 21:49

I know it sounds dumb but how do you sign up?

You don`t! Just get a Google Mail account instead, you`ll get the same storage space and POP3 access but the attachment size limit is lower, and it`s free.

RE: How Do You Get MSN Hotmail Plus?

butters (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th June 2006, 22:06

Yeh I know but everyone I know has and uses MSN messenger, plus the hassle of giving a new email address to everyone... anyway how come us UK people can`t access Hotmail Plus?

RE: How Do You Get MSN Hotmail Plus?

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 19th June 2006, 23:29

Keep your MSN adress the same - I have logged on to the Hotmail site twice in about 6 years, yet I still use that address for my MSN.

If you want a Googlemail invite, gimme a shout - your mates will get used to the change, surely!


This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th June 2006, 00:30

RE: How Do You Get MSN Hotmail Plus?

dbs71 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th June 2006, 23:56

Can`t you sign in to MSN with a non Hotmail address?
I thought they had changed things a bit with Microsoft Passport and you no longer had to sign up for a Hotmail account to log in.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th June 2006, 00:56

RE: How Do You Get MSN Hotmail Plus?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th June 2006, 08:30

I applied ages ago for windows live mail or whatever its calling itself. I think ive had it since christmas at least, or something.

Initially, it was a huge Java behemoth that sucked resources like a biatch and frequently crashed. It is now stablised and is certainly worth a look. I dont know if I can give you invites, but I think when this thing goes from Beta to Release it will be better than Gmail.

Ive stuck with it because Ive had this email for 8 or 9 years and I just cant get anyone to send to a different address. Ive had a Gmail account but everyone still sent to my hotmail, so the 2gb of space on the Live Beta was a bit of a lifesaver.

I certainly wouldnt pay cash money for it though. My hotmail account was just converted/upgraded for no money.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th June 2006, 09:30

RE: How Do You Get MSN Hotmail Plus?

butters (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 5th July 2007, 17:37

just a quick follow up question... does anyone know what the incoming mail settings (the whole smpt thing) are for hotmail? I want to use Eudora to transfer my emails to another account.

thanks in advance

RE: How Do You Get MSN Hotmail Plus?

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 5th July 2007, 17:39

You can`t. You used to be able to access Hotmail in Outlook Express but they stopped that last year.

Googlemail has POP3 so you can use your own email application. ~*~

This item was edited on Thursday, 5th July 2007, 18:41

RE: How Do You Get MSN Hotmail Plus?

butters (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 5th July 2007, 17:53

I forked out for hotmail plus so I can use Outlook, I have been dragging emails from the old email adyy into a folder on my desktop, once i`ve done that I was dragging them back into my current hotmail (again through Outlook), problem is they don`t retain the sending details, all emails appear as being sent at the point of transfer.

I heard that Eudora allows you redirect mail therefore keeping all the original credentials but when you setup an acount with Eudora they want the incoming mail settings :S Outlook has it`s own special thing for Hotmail:

any ideas?

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