Page 1 of Nokia PC Suite - txt msg backups

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Nokia PC Suite - txt msg backups

ddevil (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th March 2006, 16:40

I`m using version 6.70.22 of Nokia PC suite to copy all text messages in my 6230i inbox and sent mail to the PC whenever the phone gets full. I`m trying to keep a record of every text msg that my girlfriend and I send each other from when we met. :x

However, messages are stored on the PC in .vmg files and their filenames seem to bear no relation to the date/time on which they were made. I`m trying to combine all of these into an MS Word document with date/time stamp, in the correct date/time order. I was thinking that it must be possible using VB or maybe some other text/binary file processing tool.

Any thoughts/suggestions?


RE: Nokia PC Suite - txt msg backups

ddevil (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th April 2006, 11:41



RE: Nokia PC Suite - txt msg backups

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th April 2006, 11:56

Im not at my home PC at the moment, but have you tried the old chestnut;

open with-->notepad

Notepad opens up almost anything, so its worth a crack. You might get some extranious code in there somewhere, but I would imagine the bulk of the text should make it.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

This item was edited on Monday, 10th April 2006, 12:55

RE: Nokia PC Suite - txt msg backups

ddevil (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th April 2006, 11:48


Thanks for the suggestion. That was what I have been doing, but it is a laborious process to do it manually for ~150 messages. I thought there might be some s/w available that would do this.

Thanks anyway

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