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laptop problem

DJPARTYBOY (Competent) posted this on Monday, 12th December 2005, 20:04

dont know if anyone can help me but the last few days when using my laptop via the power adaptor I have had problems.
It has cut the power off without warning and I cant seem to figure out why, it just completely switches off. So far it has happened 3 times in the last few days and is very annoying especially if you are halfway through something.
Please help me.
Also my battery power only lasts for about 1 hour or so, is there anyway of making this last longer because when i purchased this a couple of months ago from pc world the specs said it has a battery power of upto 3 hours.


RE: laptop problem

MikeElliot (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th December 2005, 20:40

Don`t know about the power cut out. Maybe the plug has come loose or broken wire near the plug as these are typical. Wiggling the plug at the back of the laptop (or side) might connect the power again which will imply a broken wire or plug.

As for the 1 hr battery life it is quite normal, especially under heavy usage. Manufacturers quotes are always overstated and their claimed 3 hrs probably means 3 hours of use when idling in Windows! Also, battery life will deteriorate with age even if it is lithium ion battery (yes I know they don`t suffer from memory effect).

RE: laptop problem

DJPARTYBOY (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th December 2005, 19:39

it has just happened again, it is as if it has a safety cut out or something, but I cant get to the bottom of it.


RE: laptop problem

DJPARTYBOY (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 17th December 2005, 18:43

It is not a problem with the adaptor cos it just happened while on the battery, so all Ican think is that it has a fault, any ideas please?


RE: laptop problem

lawton49 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 17th December 2005, 20:15

Hiya Steve, Its just a possibility that your power settings are set for a short cut off time when running on batteries.You can check and adjust power settings via the control panel.


RE: laptop problem

DJPARTYBOY (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 17th December 2005, 21:10

Hi Fred,
No it is not the settings cos it also happens when on the mains adaptor, so I dont know what is causing it.


RE: laptop problem

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 17th December 2005, 22:37

Windows XP shuts down by default(?) rather than show a Blue Screen of Death on serious error.

If you right-click on My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Start-Up and Recovery > untick "Restart automatically" under "System Failure" section.

That way you can be sure the system isn`t actually *crashing* - if you start to get blue screens then you`ll know that`s what was happening.


This item was edited on Saturday, 17th December 2005, 22:37

RE: laptop problem

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 18th December 2005, 14:23


does it take a while before the laptop will restart?

could be a heat issue.....

Ste. that gasoline i smell?

RE: laptop problem

DJPARTYBOY (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 18th December 2005, 18:06

Got a feeling it is a heat problem cos the touchpad does get quite hot at times. I s this a fault or just something I have to put up with?


RE: laptop problem

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 18th December 2005, 18:45


the touch pad shouldn`t get hot at all. mine certainly doesn`t even after extended

does the fan cut in at all? it`s quite obvious on laptops because they`re relatively
quiet until it the fan kicks in.

Ste. that gasoline i smell?

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