Urban Guerilla(Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th September 2005, 14:21
Title says it all really, looking for cheapish broadband thats compatible with AirPort Extreme so I don`t have any pesky wires running up the stairs.
Doesn`t have to be that fast, cos i can be quite patient when downloading, not that keen on having a limit on how much i can download though. I`ve seen some that have a 1 or 2 gig limit a month, gonna need more than that!
Keen to hear what the mac users on this forum use.
Thanks people Urban
RE: Broadband that`s compatible with AirPort Extreme
MicoMan(Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th September 2005, 16:07
I`m sitting next to my mac expert at work and he says -
Its a wireless router only so you would need a network cable modem, which is easyer with NTL as they surply one.
On a BT line you would need to buy a modem as most will surply a USB modem only.
He has heard no problems with using NTL/BT/Wanadoo/AOL