Page 1 of Broadband newbie needs help re: filters

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Broadband newbie needs help re: filters

Dazza001 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th September 2005, 10:44

Having had to put up with dial-up for ages, Broadband is finally available where I live. Before taking the plunge with an ISP, I have a question about filters.
Everywhere it says a filter is needed for each jack (or device?) used. My home steup is like this:
Master BT socket:downstairs. In this is an adaptor with the main DECT phone and Sky connected.
The master runs upstairs to an extension, and in this there is another adaptor which has a hard-wired phone connected plus an extension lead running along to the room where the computer is in (incidentally, for what it`s worth, the other DECT handest is also in the computer room, but obviously it doesn`t need a jack).
So... two sockets (master & extension). To be honest I`m not bothered about the hard-wired phone on the extension nor the Sky (which gets tied up anyway when using dial-up), but obviously would like to use the DECT phone when online.
So... how many filters do I need? I know some ISPs give 2 filters with their free modems (and I know you can buy more), but do I only really need one for the computer and one for the DECT phone? I`m not to bothered about the other things not working as long as it doesn`t affect the running of the internet/main phone.
Also, will I be OK to have my Broadband modem plugged into the extension cable that runs along from the upstairs extension socket? Some ISPs say this can bring problems but that is all we can do as there is no socket in the room with the computer.
Hope this makes sense... thanks a lot in advance for any replies.

All the best,


RE: Broadband newbie needs help filters

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th September 2005, 11:16

Sounds to me as if two filters will be ok as you only have two sockets, you would plug the filter into the socket first then plug your adaptors / splitters into the filter.

Also, will I be OK to have my Broadband modem plugged into the extension cable that runs along from the upstairs extension socket? Some ISPs say this can bring problems but that is all we can do as there is no socket in the room with the computer.

Should be ok again as long as the extension isn`t a ridiculous length , that`s how mine is set up and I have no problems on a 20 metre extension lead .

You could also go wireless but place the router / modem by the master socket downstairs.

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th September 2005, 12:19

RE: Broadband newbie needs help filters

Dazza001 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th September 2005, 13:38

Thanks, Wayne.


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