Page 1 of Aurora/Buddy pop-up problem - aarrrgghhh!!!

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Aurora/Buddy pop-up problem - aarrrgghhh!!!

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 16:34

this program or whatever it is keeps trying to access my pc or sometimes i get a pop-up minus any window and its starting to drive me mad!!! this is the message i get from my firewall and wondered if anyone can shed any light onto what it is and how i get rid of it?

The executable has changed since the last time you used:
File Version :
File Description : Buddy
File Path : C:\WINDOWS\runrenfpbi.exe
Process ID : 0x5D4 (Heximal) 1492 (Decimal)

Connection origin : local initiated
Protocol : TCP
Local Address :
Local Port : 2319
Remote Name :
Remote Address :
Remote Port : 80 (HTTP - World Wide Web)

Ethernet packet details:
Ethernet II (Packet Length: 76)
Destination: 00-06-25-1a-9d-f7
Source: 00-30-bd-4f-1f-da
Type: IP (0x0800)
Internet Protocol
Version: 4
Header Length: 20 bytes
.1.. = Don`t fragment: Set
..0. = More fragments: Not set
Fragment offset:0
Time to live: 128
Protocol: 0x6 (TCP - Transmission Control Protocol)
Header checksum: 0x5c8b (Correct)
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Source port: 2319
Destination port: 80
Sequence number: 1300139137
Acknowledgment number: 0

"I`ve not seen someone taking a beating like that, since someone put a banana down my pants and set a monkey loose.."

RE: Aurora/Buddy pop-up problem - aarrrgghhh!!!

WelshTom (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 17:30

I tried the microsoft antispyware program on my dads computer the other day because he was having trouble with something like this and it cleared it up. Best of all though, its free! have a look here

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