missouri(Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 12th February 2005, 12:57
Please could some one explain this message i keep on getting, when burning DVD Files, I`m using Nero 6, and DVD Shrink 3. 2, (could not perform Disc-at-once). then ejects the disc, this problem only seem`s to occur when Dvd Disc R+, i have tryed TDK and Benq disc, if i try DVD RW and it seem to write these okay, Nero loads the DVD`s Files okay, the writer is VOM-12E 48X, which is suppose to write in DVD+R DVD-R and -RW +RW, another message that come`s occasionaly (POWER CALIBRATION ERROR). thank you for any help
RE: what doe`s this message mean
enemyonpc(Elite) posted this on Saturday, 12th February 2005, 16:51
Out of curiosity are you trying to copy discs on the fly? or is nero maybe set for doing this i.e copying straight from 1 disc to another. Thats the only thing i can think of. cannot do disc-at-once would suggest that it cant write burn straight off as the source disc is in the drive.
If your burning discs from your HDD then i havent got a clue, lol