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Monitor Refresh Rate?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th February 2005, 11:05

Someone on another thread said their monitor caught fire when set to the wrong refresh rate.
What should the refresh rate be? Mine is set at 60 as default and i have just put it up to 75. Should this be OK?
It is a "Hansol 920P on Radeon 7000 series", it says here.

This item was edited on Sunday, 6th February 2005, 11:12

RE: Monitor Refresh Rate?

steve watson (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 6th February 2005, 11:24

Somehow I dont think so .....

The higher the refresh rate the easier on the eyes ... anything between 70 - 85 Hz should be fine

RE: Monitor Refresh Rate?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th February 2005, 11:31

Aah, OK. I never knew about refresh rates being easier on the eye. I learn something new every day.
Thanks for that.

RE: Monitor Refresh Rate?

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th February 2005, 14:27

IF you look at a CRT that is running below 70Hz and look just to the the side with it in your peripheral vision you will normally see it flicker. Looking straight on you wont always see the flicker but it cant give you headahces. As stated in the post above, anything 70+ should be ok. Most modern monitors will report to windows what refresh rates they can use and only those options will be available.

RE: Monitor Refresh Rate?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th February 2005, 14:31

Stuck a 19" LCD on a desk the other day, hooked up - PHWANG Signal out of range.

Female user driving her 15" IBM monitor @ 100Hz. :o

Some units of the same model like only going up as far as 75Hz, then some bright spark see`s what his mate has got his at & overcranks his accordingly. Cue call to equally thick helpdesk staff in Canada (Not India for a change), who don`t know how to reboot the PC (Win NT) into VGA mode. Resulting in me walking halfway across site in the pouring rain (or when it stops\I feel like going) to sort out a "urgent" problem (urgent because the user doesnt want to admit to his boss, what he did & why it stopped him working all day*).

*Putting "urgent", "ASAP" or similar in a request for assistance, means your "urgent" call drops lower than whale poo in the overall scheme of things.

If you feed a starving man a fish, he will eat for a day.
If you teach a starving man to fish, he will buy an ugly hat.
If you talk about fish to a starving man, You`re a consultant.

This item was edited on Sunday, 6th February 2005, 14:44

RE: Monitor Refresh Rate?

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th February 2005, 14:36

lol. Because she could. We have our desktops locked down and all set to 85Hz. Current game the kids try is to grab a screenshot of the desktop then open it in paint and claim they cant use any of the desktop icons. :/

RE: Monitor Refresh Rate?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th February 2005, 14:38

Ahhh the old ones are the best, better still remove all desktop icons & set the screenshot as desktop wallpaper. ;)

Only G*** builds are locked down in that way, next year machines will totally "self-managed" & users will have local admin rights. On the plus side I can see this could lead to more work & removing any downsizing of local support.

If you feed a starving man a fish, he will eat for a day.
If you teach a starving man to fish, he will buy an ugly hat.
If you talk about fish to a starving man, You`re a consultant.

This item was edited on Sunday, 6th February 2005, 14:46

RE: Monitor Refresh Rate?

random username (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th February 2005, 21:56

Hehehe, I tried that trick on my brother, you also have to drag the taskbar so it goes down the side instead of along the bottom, then autohide it :D

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