Page 1 of New Vunerability - Winamp Users

PCs & Mobiles Forum

New Vunerability - Winamp Users

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th August 2004, 13:30

A flaw in WinAmp player opens the door for crackers to seize control of vulnerable systems.

The vulnerability has been confirmed on a fully patched system with WinAmp 5.04 using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Microsoft Windows XP SP1. WinAmp 3.x users are also potentially in peril & is reportedly being actively exploited in the wild.

Secunia describes the flaw as "extremely critical" & advises WinAmp users to use an alternative product.

This item was edited on Thursday, 26th August 2004, 14:27

RE: New Vunerability - Winamp Users

Timezone (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th August 2004, 15:03

Now then

Just with Internet Explorer? Sounds worrying.

make your own time, you`re welcome in mine

RE: New Vunerability - Winamp Users

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th August 2004, 17:12

OMG!111!!!11 TEHY BROK WINAMP!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111!!!!

Hackers should be poked repeatedly in the browneye with a pointy stick.

What next `Microsoft Identifies critical Flaw In Minesweeper`?

What im listening to (if youre interested)

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