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Creating MP3 audio?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th July 2004, 17:41

How do I convert CDA files to MP3? Is it possible?

"Stan is my best friend at church"

This item was edited on Thursday, 29th July 2004, 18:42

RE: Creating MP3 audio?

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 29th July 2004, 18:31


have a look in your mail box ;)

audacity & lame the tracks you want onto hdd as .wav files
then convert `em to .mp3 with audacity


Ste. that gasoline I smell?

RE: Creating MP3 audio?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th July 2004, 22:25

Hey Ste, how are you!

Cheers mate, just checked my mail...much appreciated. :D

"Stan is my best friend at church"

RE: Creating MP3 audio?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 15:26

I dug this thread up asking the same question.

Basically want to create mp3 files from a CD, so I can put them on an MP3 player (when I get one :p ).

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Creating MP3 audio?

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 17:46

windows media player 10 does this.

My DVD collection

Gamertag Database

RE: Creating MP3 audio?

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 19:07

Windows Media Player as mentioned above, but I prefer Real Player. Put the CD in and rip the songs (seems to work faster than Media Player). Then just drag the mp3s onto your mp3 player in Windows Explorer.

Mark. :)

RE: Creating MP3 audio?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 19:47

Windows Media Player as mentioned above, but I prefer Real Player.

Ewwwwwwww <spits> @RealPlayer

I hate that program! Lol

I use a couple of different rippers dependant on mood, and generally convert with DbPowerAmp (it`s a freebie!)

You can also use Sound Recorder now to convert from one format to another with unbelievably surprising quality results!

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: Creating MP3 audio?

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 20:38

So do I for a lot of stuff (held off putting it on this new PC for ages), but a lot of sites need it sites with video feeds in .ram format etc. I was going to mention how to turn the GUID off in it, but didn`t want ot get too techy with him just wanting to know how to rip CDs.

Real got slated for tracking users movements a few years years back using a GUID (globally unique identifier) built into the players. After much campaigning by various sites they were forced to put an option in the settings section of the player to allow the user to turn the GUID off, therefore choosing if they wanted Real Networks to be able to track what they use the player for or not.

It is good for ripping though. :)

I tried Itunes the other week after hearing people on various forums say how good it say I now hate it is an :)

It looks very similar to Real Player, or Media Player, not a lot different that I could see. But in the settings I found an option to let it organise your music....handy I thought, so I ticked it.....30 seconds later it had caused enough damage to take me 2 hours to put right....arghhh !!

That option didn`t just arrange new rips, it searched all the music on your PC and moved it all, arranging it into new folders by artist. I normally have a folder for each album, and all the songs in that folder. As a lot of my rips were compilation albums such as Now XX, they have various artists. Itunes made a new folder for every artist who has a song on my PC, so I ended up with hunrdereds of folders, some only having one or two songs in them. It took me two hours to put them all back how I had them and get rid of all the extra folders it put on the PC.

It`s getting :)

Mark. :)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 20:48

RE: Creating MP3 audio?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 20:42

Real got slated for tracking users movements a few years years back using a GUID

Gonna haveta own up here and say that`s why I hate the goddamned thing :D
That, and it`s bundled into AOL. Didn`t know they now had the option to turn it off, so mebbes I`ll try it after all :D

And LOL @ the iTunes should know better ;)

Jimbo : oÞ (a sad geek with constantly closed curtains, apparently :D)

RE: Creating MP3 audio?

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 20:46

Didn`t know they now had the option to turn it off, so mebbes I`ll try it after all

Yeah, it`s been like that a couple of years now. From before they re-named Real Player to RealOne anyway, although apparently it`s back to being called Real Player now. I prefered it when it was two seperate programs, Real Player, and Real Jukebox.

Jimbo : oÞ (a sad geek with constantly closed curtains, apparently :D )

Yeah, I did read that :D :)

PS: you don`t want to know the argie-bargie I`ve had with Currys recently, shame they`re not all like you....grr :D

Mark. :)

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