Page 1 of wireless broadband router distances?

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wireless broadband router distances?

Ravimann (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 11th April 2004, 20:00

Hi iam thinking of setting up a wirelss network so all my pc.s can acess the net what sort of distances can a wireless router acheive i have quiet a long garden with office in the back about 50m away from the main house will the signal reach this far and what router would you recommed.



RE: wireless broadband router distances?

Superted (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th April 2004, 21:53

I use the netgear DG834G with built in modem, according to adsl guide they say it, or an older version of it anyway, had the best range.

We have a reasonably large house, 5 beds over 3 floors, it is in our front room and can pick up signal in every room of the house and garden. It depends on how many walls the signal has to go through, metal object in signal path and anything else that can interfere with it.

Things we find can upset it is hairdryers, vacuum, cordless phone (changing the channel it uses sorted this), and big bird cage :/

There is firmware update that also improves the signal and sorted the random disconnecting fault, one thing it does is automatically lower the connection speed to improve signal range and quality. I have ours set to connect at 11mbs maximum, although it will run at 54mbs, i find having it limited to 11 makes it a lot more reliable it is only used for internet (512k) and printer sharing so the 11mbs is more than enough.

All the best


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RE: wireless broadband router distances?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th April 2004, 08:43

and big bird cage

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